Microsoft Teams for Web Conferencing
Learn how to use Microsoft Teams as a web conferencing tool.

Microsoft Teams for Web Conferencing
Learn how to use Microsoft Teams as a web conferencing tool.
Microsoft Teams for Web Conferencing

Creating a Teams Meeting Link in Outlook Calendar
This video will demonstrate how to create a meeting link using your Outlook Calendar. You will also learn how to limit participant actions through Meeting Options.
Creating a Teams Meeting Link in Outlook Calendar

Promoting Collaboration Through a Teams Channel
Learn how Pembroke Lakes Elementary School uses a Microsoft Teams Channel to promote teacher collaboration with within their school Teams Group.
Promoting Collaboration Through a Teams Channel

Managing Live Classroom Links Within Your School
Learn how Marsha Wagner, Pembroke Lakes Elementary School Principal, manages live classroom links within her school.
Managing Live Classroom Links Within Your School

Tips for Clarifying Platform Use
Pembroke Lakes Elementary School Principal, Marsha Wagner explains how she leads her staff to use Microsoft Teams and Canvas for very specific purposes.
Tips for Clarifying Platform Use

Managing Your Work as a Leader Through a School Team
Pembroke Lakes Elementary School Principal, Marsha Wagner explains how she manages her work as a school leader through the Pembroke Lakes Elementary Team.
Managing Your Work as a Leader Through a School Team

Managing Access to Live Lesson Links in OneDrive
Pembroke Lakes Elementary Principal, Marsha Wagner shares how she manages access to live lesson links in OneDrive.
Managing Access to Live Lesson Links in OneDrive

Online Document Example for Live Lesson Links
Pembroke Lakes Elementary Principal Marsha Wagner shares how she organized all teachers' live links into an online document to promote easy access by specials teachers, support staff, and administration.
Online Document Example for Live Lesson Links

Creating Teams Meeting Links in Canvas (Office 365 Application)
This video will show you how to create a Microsoft Teams meeting link in Canvas. You will also learn how to disable students' ability to:
- enter a meeting without an adult present
- share their screen without teacher permission
Creating Teams Meeting Links in Canvas (Office 365 Application)

Accessing Teams
This video will show you how to access Microsoft Teams from the Clever Launchpad.
Accessing Teams

Common Components of a School Team
View this video to discover some of the common components of a Microsoft School Team.
Common Components of a School Team

Creating a Microsoft Team
View this video to understand the steps to creating a Microsoft Team for your school.
Creating a Microsoft Team

Adding Staff to a School Team
View this video to understand the steps to adding staff to your school team.
Adding Staff to a School Team

Providing and Entering a Code to Join a Microsoft Team
This video will help you to understand how to generate a join code for your Microsoft Team, and then direct your staff to enter that code.
Providing and Entering a Code to Join a Microsoft Team

Creating a Private Teams Channel
This video will help you to understand how to create a private channel in Microsoft Teams.
Creating a Private Teams Channel

Creating a Public Teams Channel
View this video to understand how to create a Teams Channel that is available to your entire school.
Creating a Public Teams Channel

Keeping Track of Staff Meetings in Your School Team
This video will help you to understand how you can keep track of grade level or department team meetings in your school's team.
Keeping Track of Staff Meetings in Your School Team