Mastery Connect for K-5 Administrators
Learn about Mastery Connect through the lens of an elementary school administrator.

Mastery Connect for K-5 Administrators
Learn about Mastery Connect through the lens of an elementary school administrator.
Mastery Connect for K-5 Administrators

Mastery Connect for 6-12 Administrators
Learn about Mastery Connect through the lens of a middle or high school administrator.
Mastery Connect for 6-12 Administrators

Re-opening a Submitted Assessment
This video will show you how to re-open an assessment when students have accidently submitted before answering all of the questions.
Re-opening a Submitted Assessment

How to Find Elementary Science Curriculum Maps
This video shows how to find the Curriculum Maps created by the Dept. of Elementary Learning for Science teachers in Grades 3, 4, & 5
How to Find Elementary Science Curriculum Maps

How to Find Community Assessments
This video shows how to find Assessments within the MasteryConnect Community and add them to Trackers.
How to Find Community Assessments

Analyzing Student Outcomes Through Reports in MasteryConnect
This 1 hour webinar shows teachers how to access student data through the reports available in their Trackers.
Analyzing Student Outcomes Through Reports in MasteryConnect

MasteryConnect Tracker: Updating Sections
This video will help you understand how to update your MasteryConnect Tracker so that it is linked to the proper course for semester 2.
MasteryConnect Tracker: Updating Sections

MasteryConnect Updates 2021-22
This video will orient you to the latest updates for using MasteryConnect with Canvas.
MasteryConnect Updates 2021-22

New Tracker Features 2021-22
This video will orient users to the new MasteryConnect Tracker features through the Canvas integration.
New Tracker Features 2021-22

Admin Formative Reports in MasteryConnect
This video will help MasteryConnect Admins understand how to access necessary reports for their school.
Admin Formative Reports in MasteryConnect

Student View - Taking an Assessment in Canvas
This video shows how a student takes an assessment in Canvas using MasteryConnect.
Student View - Taking an Assessment in Canvas

Creating a Tracker in Canvas (4th Grade Math)
This video will demonstrate how to create a tracker using Mastery Tracker in Canvas for a Canvas course that includes only one section.
Creating a Tracker in Canvas (4th Grade Math)

Creating a Tracker in Canvas for Secondary Teachers (6th Grade Adv Math)
This video will demonstrate how to create a tracker using Mastery Tracker in Canvas for secondary teachers.
Creating a Tracker in Canvas for Secondary Teachers (6th Grade Adv Math)

Assignments for MasteryConnect in Canvas Course
This video will demonstrate how to access assignments in Canvas when using the new MasteryConnect integration.
Assignments for MasteryConnect in Canvas Course