People use all different kinds of tools to investigate our world. It’s important for us to work together and share information about what we learn! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike shows us ways that people gather scientific information

People use all different kinds of tools to investigate our world. It’s important for us to work together and share information about what we learn! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike shows us ways that people gather scientific information

SCIENCE AND ME: Weather or Not
The weather makes changes to our planet Earth, and so do people! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike looks at ways that weather patterns make natural changes to the Earth, as well as ways people change the Earth and how we can protect it fr
SCIENCE AND ME: Weather or Not

What’s the world like where you live? Is it hot? Cold? Wet? Dry? In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike looks at different kinds of environments, plus the living and nonliving things we find in them! We’ll see how living things can be ver

SCIENCE AND ME: Reach for the Stars
What could possibly be out there beyond our world? Outer space is not just empty space. In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike helps us learn about the Sun, planets, stars, and all kinds of things floating around out there! Time to rocket int
SCIENCE AND ME: Reach for the Stars

SCIENCE AND ME: Science Sense
Have you ever tried to figure out how something works or why something happens? That’s what scientists do! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike investigates the kinds of things scientists do to learn about our world. Time to make some clos
SCIENCE AND ME: Science Sense

SCIENCE AND ME: Our Space in Space
The Sun, Moon, and stars appear to move slowly across the sky every day. Where are they going? In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike shows us how these objects seem to move and change. Not everything is as it appears, though! (They’re not t
SCIENCE AND ME: Our Space in Space

SCIENCE AND ME: Tree of Life
We can find plants just about everywhere on Earth! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike takes a closer look at these amazing living things. We’ll find out about roots, stems, leaves, and all the things plants need to live. Time to grab you
SCIENCE AND ME: Tree of Life

SCIENCE AND ME: Moving Right Along
Things are moving all around us all the time! We’re always on the move, too. In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike helps us to figure out the different ways people move from one place to another, and some of the ways that different things mo
SCIENCE AND ME: Moving Right Along

SCIENCE AND ME: A Force, of Course
Pushing and pulling - we do it all the time! Forces get things moving in all different directions! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike looks at the forces that move things all around us, and the different ways that all this pushing and pul
SCIENCE AND ME: A Force, of Course

SCIENCE AND ME: Matter Matters
Matter is made of stuff. All kinds of stuff! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike shows us ways to describe matter and also helps us take a closer look at smaller parts matter is made of. Get ready to take a look around and see your world i
SCIENCE AND ME: Matter Matters

Living things depend on one another to stay alive. Look at you! People depend on plants and other living things for food, clothing, shelter, and all sorts of things we need. In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike looks at the ways living thi

SCIENCE AND ME: Growing and Knowing
My, how you’ve grown! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike looks at how people and other living things grow and change over time. Most living things grow up to look like their parents and can even look very similar to other living things.
SCIENCE AND ME: Growing and Knowing

SCIENCE AND ME: Energetic Energy
Just what is energy, anyway? In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike helps us to figure out the answer to this puzzling question! We’ll learn about ways that we use energy, how the Sun provides energy for all kinds of things to happen on our p
SCIENCE AND ME: Energetic Energy

SCIENCE AND ME: As the World Turns
Our planet Earth is an amazing place! From large boulders to tiny grains of sand, our planet houses things of all different shapes and sizes. In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike looks at both living and nonliving things on our Earth and wh
SCIENCE AND ME: As the World Turns

SCIENCE AND ME: Energy Encounters
All the living things in the world need energy to survive, and so do you! In this episode of Science and Me, Molecular Mike looks at how living things get their energy, and how different kinds of energy move through systems. Grab a sandwich, a drink, an
SCIENCE AND ME: Energy Encounters