What a great day. Hey, what's it like outside where you are right now? Is it hot old rainy about whatever kind of day it is? You see the day like it sometime before, maybe even yesterday. When we look at the world around us, there are things that seem to happen over and over, like changes that happen in different seasons. Right now it's summer. Here I am, and that usually means it's going to be pretty warm outside and, uh, who it is. But after the summer comes fall and things will cool down quite a bit, then fall will turn into winter, depending upon where you live. It could get very cold in the winter, but eventually winter warms up and becomes spring. And that's when everything it's nice and green again and flowers bloom. And from there you had back into summer, where the whole thing starts all over again and keeps on happening year after year. When things keep repeating like this in nature, we call it a day pattern. Patterns can help us to know what to expect and even when to expect it. There are lots of changing patterns that happen. All the time in nature. We've gotten so used to some of them we don't even think about it. Another pattern we see happen in nature is how will the moon looks. The more looks like it changes a little each day, and sometimes we see a phone like this. But then slowly over a period of days, part of it becomes dark and it looks like this. Then more days go by and it gets dark, soap willing sing About half of the moon lit up and in a few more days we see just a sliver left until finally we don't see anything at all. Then guess what happens. We start to see a solider of the moon again. Then, as the days go by, we get to see Maur and Maura until finally the part we see is all lit up again. Then the whole thing starts all over its ah pattern that we can see happening with the moon. Unfortunately, it takes some time to see changing patterns like with the Seasons or the moon. But there are some patterns that you can see every day. One of the easiest patterns be to seize the pattern of nighttime and daytime. Daytime is when we see the sun lighting up everything all around us. Nighttime is when we don't see the sun and it gets dark. It's a pattern that repeats itself over and over everything. Daytime and nighttime, daytime and nighttime. Hey, where you going? Ah, people like you and I spend our whole lives learning about the world we live in to make it easier to learn. It's important to get information about all the things we're trying to learn about. Out. Information is anything. We try to learn about something. One way to get information is by using our senses. Art senses are the parts of our bodies that tell us all about the world. I can use my senses to get information about the snack I've made myself here. Seeing is one of our senses. With my eyes, I can see that the color of this apple is red. Smell is another sense. I can smell the peanut butter I spread on this celery, and when I bite into it, I can hear the crunch of the celery. Mm. I can taste the peanut butter and the celery with my tongue. Hearing and taste are to warm our senses. Last since I've been using it has been my sense of touch. It told me that the apple feels smooth and the celery feels bumpy and the peanut butter well that feel sticky. Our senses give us information about many different things, but there are lots of other ways to get information to, huh? And now it's the oldest scientist in the world, you know, nowadays, you youngsters have it easy. Back in my day, when we learned about science, there were no fancy shmancy thermometers. We just touch everything with our hands. And if it was too hot or too cold, we didn't have any silly old magnifier to help us see little stuff. We just held things up. Were you close to our eyes? And if they were too tiny or too blurry, that was just too bad. We also didn't use your stupid duper rule lose its scales to measure things. We just looked at them and guest, and if they were do big or too small, that was so. That's the way things were way couldn't see that squished a big rat. That was good enough for us. And if you don't like it. That's just too bad. This has been over scientist in the world. Mmm. People use lots of different kinds of tools to help make things or build things. But we also have tools. I can help to get information and learn new things way. Use a thermometer to figure out how hot door cold something is, and numbers we read tell us the temperature. Knowing the temperature could be important information and thermometers don't always look the same, depending on how we need to use them. Some thermometers are made for telling us the temperature of liquids like water. Other thermometers give us the temperature of the air. There are thermometers made for ovens that can show us how hot it's getting, and there are even thermometers that can tell us the temperature of your body. But their mama tres aren't the only tools we used to get information. This is called a magnifier. Magnifier is a tool that makes things look bigger, so they're easier for us to see and learn about a magnifier like this. One is easy to use and you can hold it right in your hand. But there are other kinds of tools that magnified things too. Some things are so small, we need a special kind of magnifier called a microscope to see them. He'd be very surprised that the kinds of things you could see with a microscope that you can't see with your eyes There are also magnifier that help us to see things that are far away we can use. Magnifier is called telescopes to see the moon, stars and planets. But you should never use any magnifier to look at the sun or bright lights that could really hurt your eyes. Mmm. Another tool that people used to get information is a ruler. A ruler can help us to figure out how big something is by looking at the numbers on it. I've been taking care of this small plant here for a few weeks and I'd like to find out if it's grown taller. I look at the numbers on my roar. I can see that this plant here is about eight in just tall. Now, that's definitely taller than when I first measured it. So it must be growing, huh? Waiting is rulers to tell us how tall something is, how wind something is, and even how far it is from one place to another. It's another tool that gives us information. Have you ever waited yourself on a scale before? Using a scale is a great way to find out how heavy something is, But scales are just used to weigh how heavy people are. We use scales to weigh lots of different things. Scales, conway, fruits and vegetables, heavy packages, just about anything and a scale called a balance could be used to compare how heavy things are. Besides thermometers, rulers Magnifier, tze and scales, there are lots and lots of tools that help get information about the world all around us. New information not only helps us to learn new things, it tells us about what we need to do to take care of ourselves and make the world a better place. What kinds of tools do you use to learn about the world? There's so much to learn about the world, and there's more information out there than anyone can remember. That's why when you're learning about science, it's important to work together and share information with each other. When people work together and share things we can make and do all kinds of things waken go rockets and space stations walking together. Doctors can help people, and we can find out about when a bad storm is coming so we can stay safe. You see, different people are good at different things. The people that wrote each one of these books were all good at something and did it to share information with other people. So what are you interested in? Dinosaurs, Stars and planets? Oceans? My guess is there are other people out there that are interested in the same thing. I bet they're willing to share what they know with you. Learn about your world way, see the world around us, changing all the time. Often we see the same kinds of changes as time passes, like when the seasons change from spring to summer to fall to winter. Then it starts all over again. With spring. When things repeat like that, it's called a pattern. We also see patterns in nature as the moon changes. As the sun rises and sets to learn about our world, it's important to gather information. We can do this by using our senses. We see here smell, taste and touch things. Sometimes We use special tools to gather information. Thermometers tell us the temperature of things so we know how hot or cold they are. Magnifier Sze make it easier to see things Rulers help us to measure things and scales help us tow way things. It's important to share the information we learn with others. What kinds of things have you learned about that you could share? Scientists use all kinds of different tools to learn about the world we live in, and they're even tools that help us learn about things beyond our world. A telescope like this one can help you see the moon stars and even planets way out in space. It's made to help us see things that are far away. Using our senses and scientific tools helps us learn all about our world and even worlds beyond the right tools. We can all be scientists, you and me science and