Date Type Description
Video SOARING INTO SCIENCE Ep1 - THE NATURE OF MATTER: Take a close look at matter’s measurable, observable properties. Density, phases of matter, atoms and molecules are some of the concepts reviewed.
Video SOARING INTO SCIENCE Ep2 - ENERGY: This episode traces the fl ow of energy through an energy pyramid in Florida’s Everglades ecosystem. Various forms of energy are also investigated.
Video SOARING INTO SCIENCE Ep3 - FORCE AND MOTION: We examine how motion can be described, measured, and predicted. Students learn about the effects of forces on every kind of thing – living and nonliving.
Video SOARING INTO SCIENCE Ep4 - PROCESSES THAT SHAPE THE EARTH: Explore how the surface of the Earth is in a continuous state of change from forces such as waves, weather, and shifting land masses.
Video SOARING INTO SCIENCE Ep5 - EARTH AND SPACE: Molecular Mike examines the sun, moon, stars, and planets. He also examines the effects of the Earth’s tilt and movement around the sun.
Video SOARING INTO SCIENCE Ep6 - PROCESSES OF LIFE: Molecular Mike looks at living structures that make organisms unique. Cells, human body systems, learned and inherited traits, and the interdependency of living things are also examined.
Video SOARING INTO SCIENCE Ep7 - LIVING THINGS, PART 1: We take a closer look at the processes that enable plants to survive. Students learn about the symbiotic relationship between plants and animals.
Video SOARING INTO SCIENCE Ep8 - LIVING THINGS, PART 2: Molecular Mike focuses on population density and the balance of available resources. We also learn about structural adaptations, animal classification, and how habitat changes affect living things.
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