All right. Good morning, everybody. My granddaughter, I think. Good morning, Doctor Wants we will start our audit committee meeting. We do have a quorum, although not here. Physically present. There are some that have just stepped out. But I want to get going, Um, in essence, to try to get through all these items today. So if we can rise for the pledge religion in the United States? Uh huh. Yeah, right. All right, Doctor, Dr Walsh is the only one who's not here. Right. So, um, Chief, let's let's go before we go roll call. Let's go to the chief auditor. Administrative matters. Okay. Um thank you, Mr Mayerson. I'm George Bowen, the chief auditor, And I do want to thank again the committee for coming in to have this in person meeting. I want to thank the people on the phone that we're going to announce later. I'm always grateful to the committee for your time, your knowledge of schools, government accounting, your experience, and in a variety of, uh, different skills that helps me put together a very good audit program. So thank you very much in advance. Um, with respect to some of our covid processes of the room was listed last night. As the building is invested every Wednesday night, we do have the spaces for you that have been wiped down. We do require the mask all the time. Um, guest places. When they come in, we are going to be wiping them down as well. Um, with respect to the timeframes, I provided the agenda. Two people on district staff who will be in and out. We do want to manage the space in the room. And so, um, if we can try to stick to the agenda as much as possible, even though we're just a few minutes behind, um, we do have the court reporter here. Her name is Tony Freeman. Um, she's not familiar with some of the members. If you can please state your name, as I did when I started speaking as well, that will assist her throughout this process. And then I also wanted to let the committee members know that we do have, um, form a B memorandum of voting conflict for community, municipal and other local public officers available if it's needed in case there is a voting conflict I am tending to of the acknowledgement of school board advisory committee member responsibilities form. Those happen to be two members who have not been able to make these committee meetings where one of them may come today. So I hope try to get that form from her. Um, also, um, we did get an email from Miss Dish asking for, in addition to the agenda, um, regarding, um, the structural failure that happened at records. Um, we did get that email after the agenda had already been nailed out. I did want to mention to the committee members that as far as adding things to the agenda that was discussed a while ago, it's It's reaching out to me before the meeting. And then I would evaluate the subject with the chair for putting into the agenda. But then the person can always come in and speak in the audit committee member section where if there's consensus, it could be put on the following agenda. But regarding to the point to Mrs Dishes email. Um, I wanted to mention that with respect to that situation that records, the district will be performing multiple reviews of the situation. The superintendent I mentioned this at the board meeting yesterday. There's going to be a review done by the architect of record, um, also from the insurance carrier as well. And then the district is going to be hiring an engineering firm. Um, the superintendent will report on this to the board when everything is complete. Um, we are not. My office is not leading this review, but I will be part of the various key meetings, and I'll know the concerns so that I can modify the plan that we have with RSN to audit. Um, be bond as well as different areas that we may so choose. So I will be in the know with respect to how everything is proceeding. But the communications on that will come from the superintendent when everything is complete. Um, that concludes my administrative matters, Mr. Chair. Okay. Thank you. All right, now, I think we have a quorum. So can we have a roll call you can start with. Oh, yeah. Um, thank you. Um, Mr Moses Barnes here. Um, Miss Rebecca doll. Mhm. If you're on the phone and start care. Mr. Anthony Damasio here, Miss Hagan Dish? Yeah. Ms. Mary for Did. Mm. Mr Michael. Grouchy is not expected. Dr. Daniel, 12. Here, Mr Robert Mayerson here. Mr Andrew Mellon. Miss Connie curl here and let's go. Shaw here. And this Stefanyshyn is excused as well as Mr Michael Douchey. If we can please, um, have the remaining persons in the room, please announce themselves starting in the back. Please wait. Haley, RCs audit department shall mark for at the department. Uh huh. Judith Martin, Chief financial officer. Mr. Valerie wants a chief school performance and accountability officer. And George Thabo and Chief Auditor. Okay, so we we do have a quarrel. Um, do I have a approval of the agenda? Washington pro motion by made by Ms Shaw Second by Dr Lynch. Walls all in favor. Signify by saying aye on the phone. Missed all by. Okay. Anybody opposed the eyes? Have it, Um, public comments. Are there any public comments? No, there. There are no public comments, Mr Chair. Okay, I do. And I guess I would refer to Mr Bowman or Mrs Morte going public comments. Um, the school board's procedure is, as they allow people to email, even though they have a physical present core. Um, I just wanna see what our policy is or obligation regarding public comments, whether we are going to allow people to email in comments as the school board allows or whether we just take, you know, if you're here, you're here if you're not, But there's no opportunity for public comments. I want to be fair and reasonable. So, uh, sure. I just wanted to point out that both the Bond Oversight Committee and the audit committee are operating properly. Um, and just like the committees were operating before the pandemic, we do allow for public speakers to attend the meetings as attended here at this committee on November 19th and make comments. Um, if this is something that we would consider, this would have to be something that is done consistently with a bond oversight. So this would be something that would have to discuss internally and either put that into the process? Yeah. Is there any okay, Dr Walsh? Okay. I've heard numerous times in here. The chief auditors say that they follow how the school board operates. So if the school board is allowing people to email in comments because people cannot make an 11:30 a.m. meeting in the middle of the week, then we should have had to ask about this. But I did ask, Come to think of it and I don't recall getting a response. So thank you for asking, Mr Morrison, but I distinctly remember it being said multiple times that we're following. How the school board, not the Bond Oversight Committee. There's no policy that dictates the to operate in tandem. It was how the school board thank you, Dr Lynch Walls for your email and your comments. As I mentioned, I will discuss this internally, and the district will go one way or another. With that, Uh, I think it might be up to the committee where, just like when I had the runaround over getting audio recordings and then we now have recordings which I hope are up to date on the website, and that was decided by the committee. No Doctor Lynch Welsh. Just to mention two things. I'll facilities be the same response I gave you before. I'll discuss that internally within the district, and we'll let you know what we do with respect to the recordings. We now have a court reporter. This item is not on the agenda, and that's what we're utilizing, and that's what's getting posted on there. That was what was decided by at the meetings. We decided as a group that instead of having the recordings, we would just have the transcript. The transcripts are I think you wanted to have access to the team's meeting, and we provided that so you can easily access it. So the transplant team meetings, What I'm asking is whether we decided as a group to only have the transcripts and forgo having the recordings. Now, I don't recall that. I believe it's just the transcripts that are being put. Did I'm going to say it again? Did we vote as a group? I don't remember. I think I think the transcripts were in lieu of because we talked about minutes. We talked about it, but the recording is still being made Or is it not being made anymore? Yes, we discussed having just the transcripts, and all you requested was having access to the team's meeting so you can easily access it. And that was provided to you. Michelle. Um, Mr Chair. Well, I This is so wonderful and fun to listen to. We have an agenda and what we're discussing was audit, um, public comments. So if they're known public comments are issues. Could we move on to the agenda? I do have to leave at once. I appreciate that, Michelle, But the problem is that Mr Jim Bowen does not respond to any of my emails because he makes up different rules for me. So the only option I have to get a question answered is to do it on the spot here. So this is not on the agenda. So I suggest that we proceed. All right, well, let's let's proceed. We can discuss this if we have time. Um, as as the meeting progresses, um, audit chair committee comments, I've got just an update, and then I've got a procedural operational request. Um, just to let you know that our policy 1.7 group met with Dr Osgood regarding this is a follow up on Corum reducing quorum based upon the attorney General's opinion and letters. Um, it is extremely unlikely that we will be able to meet outside of, um through teams or whatever the process, maybe without having a physical in person Quarante. However, there was discussion about possibly reducing the number of members to maintain quantum since for this committee's purpose were able to maintain quorum, I would just say that that seems to be a moot point for us at this point. So I just want to do alert as far as other committees, um, they're still working through that process from a procedural standpoint, and I want to bring this forward. It was brought to my attention, Um, that we may have kind of I'll call it usurped Robert's Rules of Water on our last meeting regarding a motion that was made by officially by Ms Po. Um, so in the abundance of caution and the motion, I believe is in your minutes on page 62 of the minutes in the abundance of caution, if we can get, I guess it's not really reconsideration but a renewal of the motion. This way we can cure anybody who might have objection to us making the motion. Um, it was my belief that Ms Po brought forward the motion. However, as I said, I just wanted to secure any questions that we may have procedurally been operating out of Robert's rules of order. So did you want to renew your emotion. Did you understand what I'm trying to get at? Okay. Is the issue that it was? No, no, no. The issue the issue was is that miss for had made a motion. The motion failed. Mm. In Robert's rules of order, you can't bring back the same motion unless you are, unless somebody on the prevailing side wishes to bring it back. We had discussion on it, and there had been some questions whether or not this verdict had made a motion, whether Ms Poet made a motion. Mr. Tebow and I believe they didn't know there was no motion on the floor. However, just to be clear so that we can cure any many problems that might have been outside the scope of Robert's rules. We are. We can cure that through a renewal of emotion. So if we do that today, that same motion would then be officially accepted. Um, and we could get an answer and move forward with it so I can go ahead and repeat the motion. Okay. My motion was to have the chief auditor have a conversation with R S m to discuss the possibility of bringing the information that was Ms Fern had requested in terms of their projects. And in case that there would be additional costs, we would need to know. Correct, because it was the best quality is being requested is sort of a change in the scope of the audit. So that is that is your emotions. Do I have you? You have that, um, the same motion that she made. Here it is. This time we're working on that. I do have that. Right. Okay. Okay. So do we have a second? Don't all jump at months because I was sucked into that motion. Please. Our second for discussion for this show. Okay, Michelle, second, is there any discussion on the motion? Yes. I'd like to go back to the first motion because I think we're losing what the point of Mary Burdick's motion was, which was to get the demographics on future audits. And then we got sent something as a result of this one. Yeah. Figure out how they can provide the information that is needed. And I'm not satisfied with the response we got, but it's neither here nor there to me because, as I said before, we can figure out how to drop demographics in there. Um, yeah, because we've already had a response to this motion. Essentially. All right, All I'm all I'm trying to do is make this official product. If we if we want to go back and, um, to change it, we could do that in a later date. But this just quantifies housekeeping. Yes, Michelle? Yes, Mr Chair. I just wanted to make sure come from because everyone seems to get confused. All we're doing is to cure the violation from the last time. So we're just redoing the motion that was already done and approved. Correct? I would say violation in a in an abundance in an abundance of caution so that we're operating under what some may perceive that we didn't operate under Robert's rules. I just wanted to. And again, my opinion was we went through the proper channels, but I've been advised that maybe we didn't. So I just wanted to cure what we had done properly. Mhm. So is there any more discussion? Seeing? None. Do we have a motion to approve? Mhm. Uh, all those in favor signify by saying Aye. Anybody opposed. Is that an opposition doctor like yes, I'm voting. No, because I'm not That did not a fan of how the whole thing went so well. We will reflect that. Dr. Lynchburg. Ms. Dole, are you in favor or not? Yeah, I'm in favor. Okay. So it tests. Thank you. All right. And those are Those are my comments. Do we have approval of the January 28 minutes? The motion to approve Don't all jump at once. You guys are so active today. Second, two seconds. The motion was motion was made by Dr Lynch Walsh, who seconded this post Second, all in favor signify by saying aye. Anybody opposed the eyes? Have alright. Proposed audit committee meeting dates. Yes, thank you. Agenda item number eight, That is in your package. Although Article five Section two of the audit committee bylaws call for the establishment of the meeting dates at the first meeting of the school year. Operationally, I am trying to anticipate challenges in booking this room. And now we do also book the room next door, the pre function room. And so I'm hoping to be able to get approval for these dates so I can get that process billing as these rooms are very difficult to get. So the proposed dates that are in your package that there is some logic behind those, um so one of the things to keep in mind is that the November date so that I have here of November 18th that is based around the filing of the comprehensive annual financial report. Um, the January date allows for approval of the single audit, the independent auditor's report, the management letter, the various compliance reports that we need to file with the different agencies. The March date allows me some cushion in case those don't get done in January. So a year ago, there was a concern with a single audit, and I needed to get that approved in March because those all need to be in, um at least by March 31st. There actually some sub dates on that. So I do need the march date as well. The August date is the one that we have the nominating committee meeting in. And those are the ones that are, um, that I'd like to keep where they are for those particular reasons. And other than that, we try to, uh, space the meetings apart a little bit to get some balance because in between the audit committee date, there's also the board meetings that I have to present the reports. And and so there is, uh, something that I try to build in order to be able to get the report flow going as it needs to be as far as the days of the week, Um, Tuesdays are usually the board meeting days. Wednesday's a lot of district staff are involved in agenda planning meetings for the board. Meeting dates Mondays are usually challenging for district staff because they're preparing for the board meeting on Tuesdays. Um, and then Fridays also have some problems, So Thursday's actually is the time frames that actually works. Best. I am, as I mentioned at the beginning of the meeting, always grateful to the committee's time. The meetings are for 11 30. I don't know if there's any, uh, thoughts as far as having them a little bit earlier. Cabinet members who participate in these meetings they do have some meetings in the afternoon, so I present these proposed dates for the committee's consideration and any comments that, uh, that the members may have and to potentially pass them through a vote. Okay. Are there any comments regarding the dates? And and they I guess, the new time being at 11 o'clock Phylicia Motion to adopt the recommended all the community there and the new time as well. Yes. Okay. Motion by Michelle Second by Dr Lynch Walsh All in favor, signify by saying aye. Anybody opposed Mr Hall? Is that a year or in a I Okay, the eyes have it. Nobody opposed. All right. Moving on to Dr Watson. Uh, well, it would be in a minute. I'm anxiously awaiting. We're only four minutes behind schedule. That's very good. Thank you. So, um, we do have, um, on agenda number nine. These are the internal funds audits, um, that cover 26 schools. So this audit was performed by Ms and Conway and several of my team members. I have before gone into detail as far as the scope of these internal funds audits. You know, I've talked about the different sub funds that were reviewed and the different policies and procedures that Ms Connolly's team checked. Um and so I I mean, I'm prepared to go over that again, but I I thought that I would bypass that. I do want to point out that, um, these 26 schools did not have any exceptions. Um, and so I I do think you doctor wanted for continuing to emphasize, um, you know, adherence to policies and procedures as it pertains to the scope of this work. Um, and I appreciate your leadership, and I certainly hope that you've communicated to those schools the good work, but that concludes my discussion on the internal funds reports. Okay. Are there any questions, Dr. Walsh? Um, it's sort of a related issue. So great design here. Great job. And this Conway, uh, as always. But I do have some questions because there have been issues raised about what is and isn't audited and internal funds. Um, we've had sack issues, raised d a c past emotion. And actually, they were asking about it, I think last night. So I'm going to ask about the status of their motion. And there have been sacked issues raised in turns in terms of sac fund activity for Cyprus Bay and Blanche Ely actually had a community member who is a forensic accountant, bring forward some issues they did, and there's no recourse If you question what's going on with the sack budget, I myself was put in the position of doing a public records request. That's okay with this verdict. For the record, this verdict is here in person, not by phone. Okay, Thank you. I'm just meant Hi. I'm mentioning D A C sac motion from last year and the lan Chile sack issues in cyberspace. So the public records request I got a response that the records attached were responsive to my request. And the records that were attached to what I got from the public records office were the attachments from my email sent to the school. So it appears the school, for some reason, that bottles my mind because the records request was very clearly indicated it was for the school budget. What I got back were my own attachments, which included minutes from the November 19th audit committee meeting that had then been redacted by the public records office because those are the records they were given. So I'm trying to understand if the school was providing the public records office with the school budget for the past two fiscal years. How could they make such a mistake as to not know what a school budget is and send forward essentially my own email to the public records office. Don't they know what a school budget is? And I guess that question is for Dr Wanda Dollar. We want Chief school performance and accountability officers. So, um, the school's budget records do not reside in my office. I will certainly see what the school sent that is responsive to your request. I would also like to add that, um and I certainly thank Miss Conway for her, um, her partnership over the last I don't know, since I've been a part people since 2000 and two, Um, and I certainly want to first start by saying that all of the schools listed today, um, did receive a congratulatory letter from me with my original signature thanking them the bookkeeper and everyone involved in the process, Um, for, um, the outcome center on today's agenda. The second thing I will say is that the the entire sack budget is not an internal fund. Therefore, it's not included in what is audited, um, in the audit process by Ms Conway's office and however the board, the superintendent, whomever determines they want to audit schools. Comprehensive budget. It's not my decision to say, but the the reason why the sack budget is not a part of the internal funds audit is because the fact budget is not an internal account at the school. And I'm not saying that that's right, wrong or indifferent. I'm just saying that's what it is. And then the second thing I will say Dr Lynch wants to your question. I will see what the school, um provided. The school absolutely knows what their budget is and what it is not. As I said, school budget documents do not sit in my office and we will see what they submitted as responsive to your request to ensure that what you are requesting is what you indeed received. Well, that's almost pointless because I know what I was given. But here's the thing. It's the cut. You have the custodian of the records. Is the school the only custodian of the school budget? This item is not on the agenda. It's related to the chair. Mr. Mayor, I'll just wait for my comments later. So I have Ms Morte. Okay, Mr Barnes. Either one. Mr. Chair Yes, I think at some point for this committee we need to keep in mind what we've been charged to do. And as I look at our bio, it says our responsibility is to review in there financial reports prepared by style if we don't have all of the information. And I've said over and over, when individual order committee members do their diligence and do their homework and have all their facts together and then they bring them before us and present them as they have found them to be, it pushed us at a distinct disadvantage because we are disgusting, something that we have not been privy to. So I think we really need to stick to the That's why we never finished our agenda because we go down the lane. That has not been set for us. My comment. This verdict Yes, Mr Brian, I agree that we should stay on topic. Um, the issue of public records request We'll skip the public records request. Is that clear? I mean, if you're not getting the answer, you're not getting a response. There's a legal avenue to pursue that, and that might be an option for the people who feel they're not getting records, but on the greater issue of the budget of a school advisory council, which is empowered by the state Legislature, which is a sunshine committee. I'm not understanding why that budget isn't public and posted on the school website. I'm kind of alarmed that it would be a mystery in any school as to what their budget is because it's a public record. And so I'm not going to comment further on that. I would just like to say I agree with you about the agenda and our scope. I would, however, just suggests that rather than continue discussing this, the districts make sure that records that are public and particularly a school advisory council record a budget of a school that those things are posted on the school website and everybody can see it. So that's my thought. Michelle, I would like to compliment. The schools were listed in here, and they are Internal Audit Committee office for doing such a great job and this motion to transmit, so I can. So we have a motion to transmit by Ms Shaw a second by Dr Lynch Walsh. Is there any further discussion and the only thing that I'm going to say at this point, I agree with the the committee as far as discussing items that we have some of these items. Sometimes we did have a public speaker that came to talk about the sack on it. I know or sac we're wanting to have a sack on it. I know that we talk with where I personally talked to Mr Bowen, and he said that currently is not in the purview of our audit plan. If we decide that, that's something that we might want moving forward when we have our next go around for our audit plan, we can discuss. That doesn't mean it's going to happen or not, but we can discuss that. The other thing is, and I'm kind of going to reflect what doctor Mac always said, I'm kind of piggybacking on Mr Barnes. Is that anything that we asked the chief auditor to do takes away from what he's really assigned to do, and if we're going to ask the chief auditor to go through, you know, 25 million emails or or other things, it takes away the time, especially the fact that we've talked in this committee before that he doesn't have a direct to kind of assist him with. So that's where when we talk about and one of these audits that we have today, the H C T report really talks about me substance, substantive issues that we should be talking about. These other issues are are stuff that and I I kind of asked Ms Morte and correct me if I'm wrong legislatively. Wasn't there a requirement or maybe discussing that there was a requirement to have a school budget on a website or that was something that was never passed? Mr. Chair, is that part of the motion? No, no, no, I'm just It's not part of the motion. I'm just We move on to the motion and then any other discussion that relating to the motion that we can take up either in other committee comments or some other place. So that's what So the legislative requirement is that the district budget, the district like budget, be posted in a certain form that conforms to a state statute on the homepage of the Broward County public schools. We comply with that. If you look at the homepage of the district scroll down to the bottom. It says Budget resource. You click on it and the district not only has 10 years worth of budget documents, but it has 10 years worth of captain. The schools are required. Two. And I might use the wrong word, so I might have to come back to you. The schools are required through the cost reporting system and maybe misspoke and help makers used to do this in Miami. Two post what the school expenditures are for the previous year, and we comply with that as well. But there is no requirement that each individual school post their budget, and I need to say that I would be concerned about that for several reasons. The budgets at schools change often when they get their ace money when they get cap money when they get a new grant. It's a constantly evolving budget, so I think you know the amount of responsibility and individual school would have to keep keep Keep that up would be an issue and, um, the sack budget. It's the accountability accountability budget from the state and resides within general fund. It is not an internal funds. I just want to make sure that's clear for the record that it is not within the scope of, um, the number nine on the agenda. And it's $5 per student. So in the case of Cyprus pay, it's about $25,000. Okay. All right. So we have a motion to transmit. We have a second. Is there any further discussion saying none. All those in favor signify by saying Aye. Anybody opposed the eyes? Have it. All right. Next item, number 10, property and inventory. And thank you for bringing in the, uh, yes. There are some guests that will be coming in as I introduced the report. Um, so this is agenda item number 10. This is our property and inventory audit. This audit was done by several members of my team that was managed by Miss Ali RCIs. The specific schools and departments that were reviewed Those are listed on page four. If you go to page four, you'll see that there were five schools that were reviewed. Oriol Elementary, Riverside elementary addicts, middle bright horizons, fibers, run education center. Each of those schools had some items that were not accounted for. Those were items that we couldn't find the school couldn't find and ultimately those it couldn't be found. And then there were two schools that had some non compliance with policy. However, they were below the 1% threshold for exception. And so we have communicated those two, uh, the schools for them to manage it. But it's acceptable in that the departments that were reviewed also listed there. We had accounting and financial reporting. We had the before and after school care and the Food and Nutrition Services Area, Um, accounting and financial reporting. They had no items that were unaccounted for. There were also no items with policy issues either, and the before and after care area. They also had no unaccounted for items, and there were also no policy issues as well. Um, now with respect to food and nutrition, and we do have some of their team members here, we do tiles, as you can see, um, some items that are not accounted for, I'll bet are listed here. I do want the committee and to know that this is a very large area of very large department that we ourselves and audits. We've audited them for technology equipment, but not this type of art that we take a look at all their assets. It's a very big department. Um, nevertheless, adherence to our policies and procedures is important. Safeguarding of the district assets are important. This is what we do on our audit. Um, there are certain schools in certain departments that do well in these artists below the exceptions or some of them have none. And that's very important. Um, but yet at the same time, um, we hadn't had a chance to take a look at this area. So the opportunity for us to provide an evaluation of their processes and policies and procedures had not occurred. Um, just wanna glancing through the list. Um, you know, you'll take a look at some of those items and you see the number column. The first two numbers represent the years of those items were purchased, and you can see that some of them were purchased a long time ago. Some of them go back to the nineties. Um, none of them are smart assets, because those would have had an S in the d. P. I number. But take a look at the depreciated value column there, And if you just take a look at and there's a summary on each eight. The book value of those assets was $7168. Um, so it's It's a 1.7% versus of the large number of assets that they have now. There were also some items that were disposed of on page 11 with remaining useful life. Um, and those amount to 8594. Um, but this is, um, a very big department. So this order took a long time, so we started it. So I started working for the district in June of 2000 and 18, and this audit started at at that time, So it took us a long time. In some cases, they waited for me to review, um, some of the issues, But, um, but there were 10 recommendations that Miss Darcy's had, And, um, it's good to see that during the time of the honest Miss Molder and her team worked very hard, and they work immediately and took action. Um, and you can see in the response that she put together, um, which has some input from Ms Coker on there that some of these issues were taken care of immediately. You see some date of July 2018 August 2019, where she didn't wait for the audit, to be over, to start working on these particular issues. And I got into a conference call with her team members, and I appreciate the accountability that was taken in that department and the willingness to be able to improve the processes and Miss Darcy's, who has been doing school audit since then. She has looked into the cafeterias, and she has told me that we do see a good amount of improvement. Um, you know, in that area. So it is one where a large department that had not been looked at in a very long time that had, um, a lot of assets under their responsibility. But many of the assets that were not accounted for had no book value and dated for a long period of time. And we've gotten the corrective action, and the desire to change the process is to make sure that going forward that they are that the assets are accounted for properly, So I wanted to make those particular comments because it is important to provide the right context in this type of work. I've concluded my introductory comments. Mr. Chair, I don't know if you'd like to hear from Ms Molded or Mr Woods or members of the committees at this time. Global. Let me let me first, Ms Molder, if you can introduce yourself and then your team so we have it for the record, and then we can go to Michelle. Of course. I'm a good afternoon, everyone. Merry Mulder. Uh, director of food nutrition services. After the county, I have the privilege of serving the county in our community. Behind me, I have Miss Jane Landy. She is responsible as a food service coordinator of menu planning. Bidding? She was the prior supervisor over technology. And I t beside her is Mr Arif Ali. He is the current supervisor of task defined I, T and, um, computer Services next to Mr Ali. Mr. Derek Clark. He is a specialist. Equipment supplies for our department, and then next. Mr Clark is Miss Linda Wells and she is the supervisor for equipment and supplies. We also have additional staff members that are part of the inventory team in the pre function room and several staff members that are not with us today. We have quite a large team, Michelle. Thank you. Good afternoon. Welcome, everyone. So I have a number of questions. Probably not as many. Um, when was the last actually thought that you said it was a long time ago? I mean, a long time ago for me? It could be yesterday if I could have our ceased respond to that. I think it predated my higher as well as Miss Darcy's is higher. Miss Darcy's? No, not really. No, no. Yep. Just then I use the mommy's voice. Mm, No. Uh huh. One moment, Dr. Yeah, you can have with the national park. All right, Now try. Mhm. Yeah, as we're waiting on my mic is on. I forgot to mention that there were some very large initiatives that Ms Molders team worked on over the last few years. Um, such as expanding the aftercare sucker program, putting in a new computer system that integrates with S a P and then also replacing some of them walk in refrigerators. I mean, still, every department has had a lot of initiatives and they have to follow the policy and procedures at any point to mention those points as well. Can you hear me? That's great. Um, so again, Ali Darcy's office of the chief auditor. Um, so, as far as the type of audit that we've done in the past, um, it's in the report. It says that basically what they were the audit in the password technology items such as computers, printers, items like that. I think this is the first time, and we've actually ever done such an extensive audit of all equipment. Um, why, that is I am not able to climb. Why? Yeah, um I So it preceded me as well. I I don't know. I know that in 2000 and 15, 1 of the team and one of my team members actually said that they did attempt to do this type of audit. Um, I know that there was a finding from I want to say, Auditor General or something where there were excluded assets at one point and they were moved to trackable assets. Um, and that's possibly when they attempted to do this audit, but couldn't because there were so many records and things that they needed to cleanup still at that time. Um, so again, that's possibly why it took us so long was because there were a lot of documents and things that we needed. And I have to say that food nutrition provided a vest amount of documents. We were lucky enough that they were able to provide the historical data so that we can identify the items and thank you based on the information just presented and the mere fact that we don't know when it will audit. What? What are the plans for future audits? Not the piecemeal one, but for a full. And the reason I'm asking is we all know what an audit is. We're only something certain amount of data. We're not looking at every item. So with that in mind, when do we plan? What are the next days, or do we have an organized set of future dates that we may be able to use maybe once every four years, once every three years or whatever the case may be? So, Mr uh, your question relates to a much bigger challenge in the sense that the district and Ms Martin doctor wants Mr. Dunn and Mr Woods and I have been meeting to look at the inventory process from beginning to end. So our team, um, does not do the all of the different areas within a year. So we get as many of them that we can get done, which we get about, like, 80 of them done a year. So, um, in the best case scenario, you'd say, Well, look, we come back much more quickly than however long it took, but we don't have the the bandwidth to be able to do all those areas put. We also don't We should not be adding more team members because we've recognized in other audits that the inventory process needs to be looked at. Um, because so it's difficult to know that I think it's important. Misha, given the large area is we should get some sort of a checkpoint with Ms Moulder. Um, that may not be a full audit, but one where we we have a better idea as to how she's progressing with those plans. So I think that that's something that we could probably queue up in shorter order as we take a look at the inventory process. Thank you. My next question is and I think it doesn't seem like there's a software or any kind of program in place to help track the inventory, because we'll make it much more easier to kind of determine when things are moving. So let's say things are moved from one school to another because that school needed and one school had surplus, you know? Is there a policy in place to say that it needs to be moved its reverse rector, whatever the case may be. But not only that is trapped within some software system. So when that when that school is looking for it, they can say, Oh, it was moved to another school by our director or whoever is in charge. Yeah. Um, so Michelle, I don't think there's an actual software that tracks down we've done. The district has looked at the process, and we've identified issues from, um from the beginning, like when the assets ordered where and this is not a food nutrition services comment. This is a district wide comment where something may actually be routed to the wrong General ledger, and it ends up there. So we have issues there. There's also the ongoing issues with the semi annual inventories that exist district wide as well. Um, and that actually, as as this process evolves, that is going to be the key control for the organization. Is the center annuals on that end? But, um, I don't know if the software is actually the the answer to those particular issues, because at the end of the day, we do have examples district wide of existing policies, procedures that are sometimes not followed on that end. So despite good design that we do have some issues with adherents, the policies and procedures as well who share Yes, you may through the chair. So, first of all, good morning, everyone. Good morning, Chairman Harrison. Um, if I can just add to that there is a larger inventory process improvement project that Mr Javelin has referenced a few times. Um, and I know that our s a T system has some capabilities in doing this. So my expectation is that, um we will, um, consider leveraging our existing europea system to help us do that. But as of today, um, that system does not exist. Thank you. My last question Is there reverse requisition policy and are all the players those who need to be documented aware of this policy, and if so, could they be reminded of this policy? Because we all know that if if someone is not understanding that when a particular piece of equipment it's no longer in use or it's broken or whatever the case may be, they may just throw it away. But if they understand that it needs to be reversed right back so we can take it off our books. So during an audit, it doesn't show up that it is still on our books. But I think that that is important to kind of make sure that we're folks are understanding those policies. If they are in fact, yes, yes. Thank you. Is that it, Michelle? Yes. Thank you. Okay. Anybody else? Mr. Barnes, As I look at the responses from management and people who are on the ground level, it seems to be a systematic problem. Not necessarily the school babies. As I read through the floor, I saw where new equipment has been purchased through the capital through a capital bond used to the grant and doing the course of the artist. And either you can correct me if I'm wrong. New England. They couldn't even try the new equipment because it was not entered in where it should have been. So that's what I'm saying. We can put all the things in place about. We're going to do this. We're gonna do that A lot of us would do with the people on the ground side. So the question is, if you look at the high school, they have really gotten together, and I think they probably took some lead ways Doctor wants in our recommendations, and I see the same thing with department. But I don't see the same accountability with district level departments that I see with school. But so unless there is something in place to hold these department accountable, explain to me why you just bought thousands of dollars worth of new equipment and the auditor comes and it's not dead. I mean, it may be physically there, but there's no paper trail, so I just see it as being a systematic problem that unless there's some accountability, is not going to get into better. I mean, there's no resource to Mr Would you have any comment to that? Thank you for the opportunity I guess you know, I think it's inherent in its a paper based system, and I think that that alone lends itself to human error, inconsistencies, a lack of accountability. Um, I don't have a great answer for it, but I think just the fact that it's still paper based from the district white perspective, I think, is what creates the challenge for us makes sense. This verdict, actually, that response concerns me more than anything in this audit that we're in 2021. And what we're saying is we can't keep track of our inventory because we're the sixth largest school district in the country and we have a paper based system and we've paid to have all kinds of things converted to, you know, uh, with with to meet with current technology. We've implemented it all over the school board, but we still have a paper based system that's more alarming than anything in here. But I want to echo what Mr Barnes said. I think this has long been a concern of this audit committee that principles are treated one way. This department does wonderful things. They touch every child in our school system. There is no question about that. Our principles do wonderful things. If they got an audit like this, they would be written up, wouldn't they, Doctor? Want to wouldn't impact because this is what we've been told in the past will impact their evaluation. So we do have a progressive discipline process. It's progressive. But if it gets through the steps, yes. Okay. And I don't necessarily agree with that. I know that Lisa Maxwell, on behalf of the principles, has come before us before talking about the way that principles, if they didn't put this, is if they didn't write something off the books, much less put something on the books. So I don't I think you do wonderful things with what you do, and nobody can fault you all for what you do and how much time you spend doing it. But I also agree with what Mr Barnes said, that we have to have one consistent approach for the district of how we hold people responsible. And if they don't have the resources they need to do the job and track the equipment. Please don't tell us in 20 21 that we've got an audit like this because we have a paper system. Shame on us that we didn't change that 10 years ago, 20 years ago. And for those of us that have been on this audit committee for a long time, we've seen these changes made in other departments. What I want to know from this audit is what are you going to do to provide this department with the resources they need to comply with the rules and regulations? And then if it doesn't happen, what are you going to do about? And I think Michelle's question and I want to go back to it. We have follow up audits we take. We have follow ups on these audits all the time, so I don't think she was calling for a from A from scratch. All right, put an update if I understood you. And so I would say that until this situation is corrected that we have it on at least quarterly for a follow up. Thank you, Dr Lynch. Walsh. Um, just refresh my memory. When was the last time this department was audited? I think Mr C's and I, or not able to determine that it predated our hires. Okay, wait to smolder. I'm sorry. Mary Molder, Food Nutrition Services director. I've been with the district for 31 years, and I do not ever recall having a comprehensive audit for the Food Nutrition Services Department. Miss Wells has also been with the district about 34 years. Um, if I'm correct in that and that's we've had small audits, audits just for technology, but as a whole for the entire department. All 230 plus schools. Obviously, you can see for over $25 million in assets over 5000 pieces of equipment. The this audit has taken at least three years. Okay? And you pointed out something huge to is that you have all the schools, not just one school that you're responsible for, which matters because it speaks to the scale and the scope of what you're responsible for. So that's another thing so that no one can remember when they were audited and Mr Javelin, I could've sworn you said something that led me to interpret what you were saying. As you don't really know what's going on in a department in terms of the procedures they're following until they get audited. You said something to the effect because everybody has the policies and procedures in theory. But you don't know what they're actually doing because they're not submitting their policies and procedures on a regular basis. So if this department's never been audited and they had procedures that they've been following, you would have no idea what they're following versus what you think they're following. So, Dr Land for the purpose of an audit, I'm well aware what the purpose of an audit is. I'm you. Please let me finish. You're not answering my questions. I'll finish my statement. Thank you. Um, we never know what the department does until we actually test it. That's the purpose of an audit. That's the only answer that I'll be providing you. Uh, what I'm saying is, if they have policies, if they are not policy, But if they have a procedure that they've written up for their people to handle internally, they're not submitting. You don't review what they have documented that people are following. So this entire time no one would have ever known what was going on over there. And I bring all of this up because I got a little concerned that this department is being that this is being taken out of contact, the fact that no one knows when they were last audited and given the scope and scale of what they deal with what you actually have here, and a lot of this is fully depreciated to me. I mean, I'm not losing sleep over this audit because considering where you're, we're starting with with a department that's never been audited. Essentially, it could have been a lot worse. And then to echo, Miss for Nick's point about using a paper based system. So you have a department you've never audited. You have a paper based system in the year of our Lord 2021. I'm impressed that it wasn't far, Far worse, actually, Mr Demand. Yeah, pretty much echoing what some of the previous members said. But I think it is important that Mr Chair, we seek some answers about the accountability. If it's different, why and will it change to conform to the rest of the policy? I would also say, um, that we should inquire about when a full accounting system that's going to be established for that department. It's astounding. After 31 years that and all that that took a long time to do. Only came up with these findings. Yeah, I can only imagine once you get fully automated with some system, that shouldn't be a problem. But I do think as the audit committee, these two issues about when the system for tracking inventory is going to be automated. And why is the accountability different if it is, and why is it going to conform to the rest of the departments? I think those are two things one should have an answer to. I don't want to, I suppose, on the auditor, maybe to secure you well, if there's a if there's a will to bring forward a motion, I mean again, I've heard whether or not there's a follow up in six months in every quarter. Whether or not and again the scope of doing this all for 230 some odd schools makes it kind of challenging, but very similar to a school. I mean, Doctor wants you can correct me if I'm wrong, but in general, the micro tech is the one that is, is heading the the inventory audits, usually at a school, So in a school level, Valerie ones and school performance and accountability officer at a school level it should be. And typically it is an administrator first that works collectively with a team. The micro tech is an integral part of the team because of all of the technology. But, Mr Bond, Mr Barnes alluded to a high school. You've got band equipment. The band director is a member. You've got, you know, waits in the weight room and all that kind of stuff. The athletic director. So it's so depending on the level of the school, the team may be more expensive, as opposed to an elementary school that may not have as many, you know, programs and different offerings as a smaller setting with only 200 students, smaller number of assets. Um, but but by the same token, it is 226 people who have to be held to a consistent standard. So I guess to to that point, Miss Molder, do you have a team established in each school? I mean, obviously you have some district equipment, but most of it, I would assume, is in the school cafeteria. So is there a team that is responsible. Sure, Mr Mason. Thank you. Yes, we do have our cafeteria manager at a school based he or she is responsible for one of the semi annual inventories. The second person is responsible for the second verification. Biannually is our area supervisor assigned to that school. So they do semi annual inventories. So I go back to the same thing that we've asked Doctor wants to do is to ensure that they are actually doing those inventories. Because I know Dr Kwanza, there was a time where we kept on seeing reports going, Okay, Now we're going to do the annual inventory or semi annual inventory because we didn't do it before, although Policy says it's been required. So I mean, I would entertain at least coming back into fashion. And this is you know, um, through Mr Darcy's and Mr Bowen, at least two. And again, it doesn't have to be all but select schools to at least check from. And again, I'm putting something additionally on your plate. But maybe coming, like, sit in the in the next. I'll get you one seconds may be coming in the next Go around, um, to look at those select schools or pick select schools and and see if, what in places being followed. Mr Barnes before minister Good morning response. I believe that we should approach this the same way we did with the Beacon Report. As you recall, when the Beacon Management came, that report was huge. A lot of concerns, and I know they have been back at least one or two times, So my suggestion would be that not necessarily going back looking at the individual schools but looking at the process that will help the individual schools improved. So coming back, saying these are the things that were put in place, these are the time lines that we expect them to be. So we we want to see some improvement. I keep going, just like the high school we kept working with him. Now we have a problem where high schools are getting no exception, but because of a process the doctor wants understand, and I think we need to look at the system and what they plan to prove it, as opposed to looking at the individual school. Well, the only reason why I say individual schools is Beacon was more of an operational audit. It wasn't necessarily, huh? District department. Right now, I understand that. But I'm just saying, is that a dish? As a district department, you've got a wide scope of and can identify for Miss Moulder. Where where there is success of where there are challenges and I think kind of mirroring. Although her department would be responsible, at least selecting it could be two elementary to high school to middle schools. Whatever it is, you know, a center school, because again, she's got a cafeteria that she's dealing with. It's got, you know, Hobart mixers block in ovens, convection ovens. I mean, those things usually don't move. But the report individual schools No, I understand the report addresses capital equipment that is brought by the district to be given to a school. So we right now can you look at that report and you can't tell. You can't tell what schools are there, right? So why would you? I want to look at schools when you don't know if the problem, the problem, the problem there. But maybe I'm wrong. I'm through Misrata. We'll just kind of listening to both all of this. I'm wondering. I just wanted to ask a question does. So you have these semi annual um, inventories. Thank you. It does the manager sign a form? And does the area supervisor sign a form twice a year that these have been conducted? Yes. Again, very much older food nutrition services? Um, yes, they do. When our manager completes the room inventory checklist, he or she makes a check mark on the side, and they do sign in blue ink. We have the original in our office. And then there's a copy posted in the school cafeteria. When our area supervisor follows up mid year, the same processes in place at the barricade verification comes to the district office, so that that should be a method of seeing whether the person has signed off. When we're talking about accountability, that's a method of seeing if the person who signed off on the inventory form actually you know if they find it and said they did it so you can go back and check and work with the individuals who maybe didn't instead of, you know, having a meeting for everybody and telling you you were a message. The department, when it may come down to a few schools. But I agree with Mr Barnes speaking, came back. I think that's what Michelle is asking for. And I'm going to actually make a motion that we review this on a quarterly basis until, um, until the issues are addressed, Hold off on that second, this show. Did you want to say something in regard to that? Or the problem I have with whoever signing off on those inventory report is this, Especially since we don't you have to have a starting point, and whatever that starting point is, it could be incorrect. Not only that, whoever signing off on those inventory report and whoever comes in those inventory, you've got to take that into consideration because someone who just work in the cafeteria and he said, Oh, go and count the inventory. Now there's somebody that's signing off on that inventory, and I may I don't know one piece of equipment from another piece of equipment. So that's that's the reason I'm asking about some kind of tracking system, something where there is a code I D. That ties to that particular piece of inventory that now someone can look at and say, Oh, that's what that is. But if you want me to go in in in in one of my Children's school cafeteria and count those inventory, believe me, I'm gonna mess that up. The person signed off on it is not going to know because I'm going to have 100 piece of item. That's what they had last year were good. So that's to me. That's that's That's an epidemic. That's an issue. I'm not in favor of doing a school by school audit. This is not a school by school audit. Inventory is a much bigger issue because, as we know, this is an audit. So for me, I think it's a little bit more than probably what we're seeing. But we need to start somewhere, and I think we need to start with those policies and procedures that's in place. I don't think this is Mr Jones office to monitor what policies and procedures Miss Malden put in place. It's her and her schools need to monitor those office. Yeah, I want to see a something, but I don't want to see it in three months only because first of all, it's gonna take at least three months to get some some real policies and procedures in place and then start getting people to follow it. And so three months for me is not sufficient. Maybe down the road, we can maybe do three months. But right now, I think maybe 6 to 9 months, maybe a better number to work from allowing them to kind of look at their processes, see what needs to be streamlined and then put a policy and process in place. They can send up through our internal auditor that they're working on something. But for to know if that something is working, it's going to take. It's going to take some time. Okay? Mr. And Mrs RCs had something she wanted to tell the committee before I say a few words L e r. C s office of the chief auditor. So I wanted to re answer the last audit question because I know it came up again. So what I had said originally was that I didn't know in the last time we did in any type of audit of food nutrition because, unfortunately, our farm FileMaker databases down because if I had access to it, I would be able to get to it. right now and provide you that date. So I apologize. I didn't give that information out earlier. Um, this is the first time that this type of audit has been conducted. A food nutrition department where every piece of equipment that is assigned to food nutrition has been physically accounted for. That's they're tagged. Um, you know, So I can't say that the prior audits are equivalent to this because this has been completely different than all the others. I just wanted to clarify that, and I apologize. I don't remember off the top of my head when the last thought it was, I want to say it was 14, maybe, but again, it was just technology items. It was not everything else that they have on the lesson and its extensive. It's a huge list, and I just wanted to mention the requirement that this office has district wide is to audit all of the schools and departments every year. Now, if you add up all the audits over the number of years, that is not equal all the schools and all the departments. So Miss Darcy's team is our thesis team. All they're doing are those autumns. So Of course, as I mentioned to me, Shaw's question, Um, we will. It makes sense given, um, this report and the findings and the, uh, the plans and the mold has put together for us to report back to the committee on the status of those. Um, so we will do that. That makes sense to do that. Um, and we'll take a look to see what the due dates that she says has. There's something that she's implemented already. And I think Mr seizes seeing those with the schools. So we should be able to do that. And that's something that will end up in the plan because that's that governs, you know, And the plans weight against our resources. So, um so, yeah, so we will be able to do that, and we'll be able to look at the schools. But there also are possibilities that there are other large audits that we haven't had a chance to get to as well. Because of what I mentioned our ability to get to, um um, to all the locations. Thank you, Mr Chair. All right, Miss Party. You had a motion. I I'm understanding what Miss Shaw says. However, I'm just concerned. I want to go back to what Mr Barnes said about Beacon. Beacon came in and it wasn't a full blown anything other than to come in and give us the list and say, Here's the recommendations that we've done so far and here's what's still outstanding and I'm just concerned if we wait nine months before doing something that that's a long time to know whether they're implementing these or not. So I would just like to have an interim. Yes, we're working on it. Go six months, Michelle, if that's what you think. But I personally think that it was helpful with Beacon to see what they weren't doing, that we thought they could maybe move faster on and so forth. So I'll change that to six months and stuff what you think. But I would still in three months just like to know that they're moving forward with the recommendations. That's the only thing. We're not going to be doing a full blown conversation on this area every quarter, but I think we need to hear for like we did with the gun that they're actually doing it. That's so I'll make that motion however you want to, Michelle, you want to just six months. Yes, I'm not second. And what I did say is in the in the interim, they can report back to say what they're working on, where they are, not processes that they put in place because it is going to take some time, you know, to kind of overhaul assistance, and I second it. Let's, let's question you have a question. This problem. Okay, so is there discussed? So we have a motion by Ms Verdict the second by Michelle. Ms. Pope, I just want to understand. Are we asking for, uh, an update on management's response to this audit in six months? No. But they are put into place in in terms of how we cannot see this again in an audit. So I'm sure there are policies and procedures, but let's say they need to change those policies and procedures they need to update them. Then they also need to update the folks who who are going to be carrying out those policies and procedures, whether it's training or whatever the case may be. So it's going to it's going to be a timeline that's going to take some time between now and the next 4 to 5 months for them to really start seeing changes if if those processes are are not already in place and from my understanding that the ground they have already hit the ground running and and started. So we should be able to get something another few months as to where they are. But a report in about six months as well. How is it working so? And by the way, and just just not just on Beacon but on other major audits that we've seen. There's usually like a chart of the recommend of the findings and the recommendations, and then this one is completed. This partial there were even been talked about. So that's really kind of what I was thinking. Anthony, email. I want to be sure that we're clear about this. We're not asking for an entire order to sit down. No, no, no. And, you know, following along with Mr Barnes said it seems that the big issue is do we have a system in place? And should that be higher priority than doing a complete audit? I think I would be interested in the, uh, chief auditor's recommendation, and my recommendation would be to cycle it like you do other audits by school through a few schools a year, and then test to see that every school periodically is doing the audit, you know, not audited, but doing the inventory until we get that system up and running that we can select schools, select the whole department. But I do think we need to know what's going on. I do think we need to know how results from audits, our account, uh, accountability there is. And I do think we don't know who to recommend the stupid or within I heard you. But I can't believe we don't have an image choices for a gigantic department. And I think that should be first priority. Miss Miss Morton and then miss mold. So through the chair, we do have an inventory system, and I absolutely acknowledge that it needs to be updated. But we do have a system. It is paper based, Um, three years that I've been here in the two years that Mr Jones has been here, we have worked as as I think we stayed earlier with Mr Woods with Dr Ones with our school principals with our, um, director of financial reporting to come up with a plan to to get that into the 21st century and get a system that works well and is effective. But when I came here, I had more priorities around payroll, and this was the second project. So it isn't It isn't process. We also are committed to using the e r P resources that the district currently owns with S A P because that's the smart thing to do to have a fully integrated system. So we certainly will keep the committee updated. But I don't want the record to say we don't have a system. We do. And I can tell you that the audit department as manual and his paper driven as it is, um, a very much on talk of accountability, because here, um, model Allah will tell you that her and Allie worked very closely together and there are staff full time in here, um, errands department that input those paper records. So we have a computer based accountability, but it's a manual system to get there. So there is literally, uh, you know, the three platforms that gets split apart. Somebody keys them in. And I absolutely acknowledge that's not the most efficient. I was quite surprised about it when I arrived on team. Um and it is a priority of this administration to get that taken care of. Can we just point of work? We just vote on the one motion and then come back to this. I think this is a priority issue to that. May be separate from having the reviews. Miss Moulder has something to say that we can vote. Yes, I do concur with Miss Marty on the system that there is a system in place. We do use the room inventory checklist. We do have a semi inventory our annual inventories that are occurring. We do use 30 to 98 forms. So those processes that are currently in place, half manual, half paper are being implemented, Obviously not to the 1% standard. Um, is the accountability factor I, Mr Barnes, I completely understand. Through the chair, I completely understand what you're saying about that, and it is totally my responsibility to ensure that we are below 1%. And that will happen with all the systems that we have put in place. Uh, it will happen with our inventory team that is here. Present the inventory team that we have in the next room, as well as the inventory specialists that we have still based at our department again. Due to the size of the department, we have not 123 We have probably hundreds of people working on inventory for the size of department that we do have. So, as far as it goes for the accountability standpoint, I do appreciate the follow up because our goal of our department is to be compliant and obviously with not having an inventory within the past, an inventory audit, I should say, within the past 30 years and to have a 1.7 variants, um, I stand by our team, which what incredible job done. So I don't want that to be slighted that we are not taking responsibility or that we are not accountable because we definitely are to the taxpayers of the district to the National School lunch program. So, um, we do appreciate the findings. We do appreciate the comments, and we do appreciate the the guidance going forward, but I just wanted to make sure that I wanna went on the record for that. That we do take accountability for the audit and the findings that were brought to our attention. So thank you, Mr Sure. I didn't mean to imply that we don't have the system or any account don't get. I meant that we should have the typical automated software tab scan perpetual inventory and reports. And then I'd like to keep tracking. Um, as far as this motion goes, I think it's unrealistic, and it doesn't fit the risk assessment that the chief auditor has established. And smart, they have six months. I just want to be clear. We're not. No, we're not. We're not talking about an audit were just coming, you know, words, the motion. Let's let's let's dispense with the motion on the floor first for unless it's Germaine to the moat. Yes. Okay, so let's let's dispense with the first motion that we have by Ms Verdict that the Food Nutrition Service department come back. Provide us a update. Is that what that's what I'm asking for? Just what we've had. Beacon was a good example that Mr Burns, but a number of issues where these are these were the findings. These are the recommendations. Here's what's been done. There was partial. Here's what we haven't even contemplated. So we don't lose it off our radar. And in five years, the next person sitting there going, we don't even know when we last talked about this. All I'm asking is, should an update like we do. So can we. So can we make that at the September 30th meeting? So at least we have a as opposed to six months. We have it. That's fine. That's fine. I just all I'm trying to get a time, right. I'm just saying, Let's see that chart. And I know he is so good or so good at creating it. Will say finding recommendations step. Okay. And that's that's all I'm looking for. I'm not looking for any more work than that. All right? You're good with that, Michelle? Uh huh. You know you probably the question, Mr Mulder. All I'm saying in the interim, between now and six months, they can provide an update on what they are. They can give us something a little bit more. Yeah, and I I do appreciate that recommendation, and I do agree with it. because I know that we are currently on track based on implementation dates that once we close this audit out, there are some things that cannot occur until the audit closes. But there are other recommendations that came out with management responses that we have already implemented. So I am definitely comfortable comfortable with that. And I do appreciate that, Mr Take, our goal is to make sure that the committee is happy with and pleased with us moving forward after the audit. We'd be happy if you brought us some samples. We thought we were getting lunch, but, you know, you know Dr Mwanza, I mean right, Yeah. I mean, all right. So we have a motion by Ms 42 2nd by Ms Shaw. All those in favor, but well, I was going to comment that because we're having a debate between three months, six months, which I agree with, we've made it at September 30th. Yeah, but the the part about coming back in three months because I just want to point out that there are other things in motion. Um, I agree with both time periods because this is clear that they have an action plan I don't think it's unreasonable to get sort of a basic framework of where they're going, so that that will guide where they get to by September 30th. The separate issue of why we're so paper based. No, I'm not discussing it, but I went back to the strategic plan for 2014 because you made me pull that up now and I have lots to say about that. But anyway, I agree with everything that's been said that it's an update just with both time periods. So just to be clear that they will come back at September 30th meeting to provide us enough. Yes, but you're asking. But Ms Verdict said six months, so she agreed. September, September 30th, right? Just follow up. Okay, All those in favor signify by saying just what a double sector the Food and Nutrition Service will return to provide an update at the September 30th 2021 audit committee meeting right? An update on their findings and the findings that will prevent presented in the audit, plus any new information that they may have on some of the policies and procedures that they're putting in place, right? Yes. All right, so all those in favor of signals. Yeah, I'm gonna repeat it one second. Okay. Food in between. Services will come back to provide an update on the fighting that were presented in the audit. And any new information. Um, after September 30 or 2021. Audit committee meeting. New as it pertains to policies and procedures. Maybe some banana first. Oh, banana cake. I think I'm done with tight. Think of the movie. Uh huh. Yes. Okay. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Anybody opposed? Oh, Mr Daul. Welcome. All right, the motion passes now, Miss Verdict. Met with uh huh. With a statement to the board that we would like to review the inventory process. Okay. For the school board for our county. And bring it up to 2021. Maybe by the time it's done 2022 standards, you call can words, Princess. I just want to get something with our emotion to transmit. That indicates the paper system is probably not what we're looking for. Well, can you please give me a Did you all hear any of that here? Okay, so So to make life easy for Mr Bowen and then for our own records. Let's make the motion to transmit and then make another motion, as Mr de Meo has offered and you have offered separately. Okay, I would just like to tie the two. And if Mr DiMaggio has made it, I will second it. I would like to tie the two. So when that motion goes to the board, they see our recommendation in the body of the motion. I wouldn't I would just I think that's really important, because sometimes our emotions get carried forward to transmit and the rest of it gets left out. And I just think if there's one thing that comes out, that's what's come out. Mr. Chair, I think the language he had was to the point. What happens is with emotions when district staff I'm sorry. Thank you. Thank you, Miss Martina. With emotions, the board members get copied in all of them. So the motions that the committee received that I forwarded, they're all aware of that as well as the district response to So they do see them and we can make sure that that they are that they go out at the same time. So that way there's no, like time lag into them. What happens is, uh, um one part of the motion is something that can be accomplished very quickly. The other one is going to take some time. And, um, Dr Naismith tracks the stuff in a way that makes it a little bit more challenging. That's the only reason it for the management of the issue. So here. So here's what I would recommend is that we we still go on with our motion to transmit, including the caveat that the school board takes a look at getting technology up to or getting inventory up to the 21st century. We can still transmit that, and then we can make a duplicate second motion there and I still want, and everybody can vote against us. I still want the two tied together. I'm not asking that system he developed. By the time this goes to the Boardman meeting, I think the board needs to know that when we heard this audit today, our reaction was okay. The board needs to know that yes, this is happening in this department, and we need to provide resources for employees to get the job done, and that includes having a state of the art inventory system, and that's what I'm asking for. So is that what you're seconded? So Okay. Thank you. Okay, So now I'm going to point out that from the 2014. 15 strategic plan, I t strategic plan line Item 14 was an asset management system which was not prioritized as an absolute emergency, but between planning and implementation, it should have been implemented by the first quarter of 2017. Okay, well, that just again clarifies our point to continue to miss for Nick had mentioned that we need to stay on top of these things, so I'm gonna have to go back and look pre June of 2017. But I don't see where that system was funded in the technology budget back in 2016, it was saying it was planned. It was planned and asked for. But if the vote is not to fund it and there's no money to fund the system that we can implement it, right. But you have to ask for it first. There are a lot of things in here that didn't happen. Some didn't even cost. Exactly. So I wanted to make it clear that it was in the technology strategic plan that was presented at, I assume, aboard Workshop back then Dr Lynch Walsh. And when the D. E. F. P. Was completed, I I didn't see it in the 2017 d e f p. And I know we don't own a system now, so I I am making an assumption, and I know there's risk with that because it predates me. But, um, it was likely not funded again. We are currently working through all of that, and we are working very closely with Mr John Bowen and his team, who are part of helping us come to the system that the audit committee would expect us to have. I think one of the things that might have hampered this from occurring is that if memory serves, this was developed and then Mr Hunter left the first okay, regardless of whether it was supposed to be done, because obviously it should have been. But that's that's that's, you know, the past, and we can't do anything, and I think that by putting this on the board's radar, hopefully we support the efforts that are going on and that it happens, and then Mr Javelin will come back to this one day and say, Okay, now we're onto the next task. I I I think Miss Mark mentioned to me and decided that we can match it with one motion. So if I can get the wording motion to transmit and can I please have the additional wording after that, please? Mr. Oh, my gosh. I've spent so much since then I moved to I moved to transmit with a statement to the board that the audit committee recommends bringing the inventory system of the school board of Broward County up to state of the art standards as soon as possible or two. And I had put 2022 But I'm just gonna put state of the art standards, whatever those would be. Um, I would just like that, Okay, provide funding because and provide funding to accomplish this and then the next. And the next thing I think miss More taste point is that it was in the plan. So my colleague informed me, and again, it was right around the time I was coming here That the conversion from the S 400 I can't even believe I'm saying those words I didn't even know they were running anymore. 22 s a p. The software was purchased in July 2017, and it's the implementation of the practices. So the software is being used by the accounting department, and audit has eyes into it. But the disposal edition etcetera of assets is still all paper based, So that's the issue that we've got to straighten out. So it's not a huge investment by the board. Um, staff is doing the work. But to miss for Kings Point and on behalf of the administration, I want to thank her. I think it's very important to reiterate the importance of allowing staff the time to do to do this body of work and get it finished. Okay. And you were good with me putting adding the words, Put the fund again. I'm always good if you if you add the support of funding to try to get more automation in this district, and we can get it up and we can get an updated the September 30th meeting because that will be when the budget this past, correct? Yes, on September the first week of September. Okay, so We have a motion by Mr Ortega. Second, by Mr DiMaggio. Is there any further discussion? Seeing none. Do I have a motion to approve or all those in favor? I have a motion to approve. All those in favor signify by saying Aye. Anybody opposed? All right, The eyes have it. Thank you, Miss Molder. Thank you. We'll expect to see Doctor wants you back year for some banana pie. Banana cake, banana pie, banana bread. Police believe that 1 45. It is now 1 18. It. Thank you, guys very much by Doctor Wants to. It's now 1 18. Miss Po has to leave at 1. 45. I don't know if anybody else has to leave earlier, but 1 30. Okay, well, let's just I mean, we're discussing here. Item number 11 H h C T report. Let's try to be concise and to keep to this report as opposed to, um Yeah, I guess. Puddle jumping or moving on? Yes, Dr Lynch. Walsh. Well, here's the problem with that, because this all started in response to emotions that the group passed and the motion asks for anything from 2015 onwards. And then this turned into one bid and one bid only, and I now know why. So it's not puddle jumping, but it's It's impossible for me to ignore the history of how we came to this business because there's a whole story. There's a whole history of bids that involved Post Board Award memo, right under the limit of one million back in the day, a piggyback that wasn't that where the word piggyback was crossed off a bid that was put out a bid protest and then back to the piggyback. And then by the time you get to this one, it's a snooze fest because there's nothing to see here because we've already done all the machinations to get us Lenovo. Dell gave up, so it's not a simple thing. And I knew when I saw one bid because staff tends to not get that specific that if we were just looking at one bid, there had to be a reason because if we had looked at anything else from 2015, we would have seen the item that came forward recommending the rejection of all bids and we would have backed our way all the way back to 2014 All right, Miss Verdict? Yeah. Mhm. You have more friends. Sorry about that, guys. Um, like, I can't remember too unusual. And I can't remember to talk into a microphone. Okay, be that as it may, we do have one bit in front of us, and I do have comments on it. So I think that when this went the way it went, Doctor Lynch Walsh, we said, Let's start with one, and then we can move to others as we need to, but let's do the one and then we can bring up the next one if we need to do that. But here's the thing, because this one doesn't have anything in it that would want lead you to want to go audit others. But that's okay. That's why we have a state attorney's office. And actually, the Discovery page does mention from the state attorney. And the grand jury does mention Lenovo. So I'm fairly confident that they are looking into all of the shenanigans that transpired. But I just want to mention it here because we should be concerned as an audit committee when we get wrangled into looking at one thing and what was the motivation behind wrangling us in that direction. So I'm fine, not bringing up the rest of it. I'm going to forward this on to where it needs to go. Yeah, that's fine. And I would just say that at the end, we can make whatever emotions we need to, but I would like, I do have comments one of the times appropriate. And I do have a question myself on. Okay, so is Miss Poker joining us? Um, so I anticipated. Good afternoon. This is Mary Cooper. I am on the phone. I have been since it started. And I believe, Mr Woods, they're awful. Okay? And we will also see what the status of Mr Dunn is as well, Mr Done, our chief information officer. So with respect to agenda item number 11, the technology devices report. So the committee, uh, those of you who attended the May 14th 2020 meetings. This is where the record IX simplicity touch interactive flat panels report was discussed. So the board, which reviewed that report on June 9th of 2020 um, as well as the audit committee members had comments as far as us looking at additional technology asset purchases that were done during the tenure of the former chief information officer. So we identified transactions where the former chief of nation officer may have had involved. Um, and we chose this transaction because it was the next a logical, uh, good to take a look at, um, Now that report itself, um, gets its own follow up. It has its own action plan. Uh, there were issues with respect to, uh, corporate governance policies and procedures. And under the cover of that follow up, those items will be addressed. But the only item that we A school district personnel that are here will be addressing in this report, the technology devices report. We won't be discussing any other reports outside of that There. I was asked to provide the previous report to, um, the state Attorney's Office, and I've done so, and it is important that we, um we view just the report and the items of a year. So the attached report it is an agreed upon procedures that was done by a TTS certified public accountant it covers did 16 59 e, which was primarily the purchase of Lenovo desktops and laptops and CD I tablets um, if you take a look at page four of 32 you'll see that the potential impact would be $82 million over three years and 11 months. During the contract period on the district up to December 2019, the district purchase approximately 83,400 devices for $45.6 million. Um, so, um, the findings that are in this report, none of them are policy and procedure in nature. Um, I should say that none of them are policy in nature. The results of the work identifies some procedural matters. Um, but it's also important that the links to it acknowledged that the the report takes it takes into account of the various initiatives that the district had its highs. It's the strategic plan, the district like computer refresh initiative. Those are all discussed, if you can see on pages five and so on. So the the district itself, the Lenovo items, uh, there is some comments with respect to the quality where https technology experts deem that those were quality assets for the budgets that we purchased. Um, with us here to go over, the report is, uh, one of the managing partners of H C T. Uh, certified public council consultants, Mr Roger Harvey. And he can go over the different comments and findings in the report that the committee I would like to ask. Thank you, Mr Chair, to either the committee members. Okay. Does does anybody want to hear from Mr Harvey first, or do we have questions that we want to ask? Uh huh. Questions. So, Miss Verdict. Thank you. Okay, I first have a question on Page. Uh huh. 15 of 32 lack of documentation regarding the time stamped in forbids received from senators. So it looks like one company was excluded because of their time stamps. And, um, that time staff was outside. So just for the record, if you don't stamp it in by a certain time, then you're not eligible to continue in the bed process. Is that correct? Good afternoon. This is Mary Cooper, director of Criminal Warehousing Services. Thank you for your question. Yes, that is correct. All the big seems to be surrounded by 2 p.m. And then they are received in the bedroom, and we have a conference room where we have the first thing agent and we have staff. And the public is also welcome. Come in and do the opening of those things. Okay, so my concern is obviously that the two and the two companies that got the bed had no stamped in documentation. And I find this Absolutely, I mean, that you're bringing us and going, what in the world, they didn't comply, and they were the ones that 1 $81 million. Does that happen? How in the world does that happen? Thank you. I appreciate your comment. Um, and I just want to reiterate that back in the day when this took place, there was not a formal process of which we have implemented since 2018, where it included designing of all the bids into one document. Uh, what we do have, which is what leads us to believe that indeed, those bids were received timely. Because if not, we would not have been able to have then, uh, sit in the bedroom as they did they sign. Then those those big worry feet timely. Those vendors were present and sitting in that room because we have the signing sheet from all the vendors that attended and we have the signing sheet from all the vendors that committed a big. What we did not find in the file from way back then was the actual paper stamp. It's like a little tamp that we would, you know, a little paper that is glued onto the bids are taped onto the bid and its stamp. That is what we did not find for those particular vendors. But the fact that they were present, the fact that we opened their bids and that we have it signed it means that we had to have received them by two. PM because it's not, we would not have had a bit to open in front of the public and there would have been a protest which, by the way, there was not. Okay, So that is what we believe that in those we do not have the paper, which we now have a process which ensures that we have a stamp did on file and electronically. Um, it allows us to believe that indeed we did receive them timely. Okay, so that is totally not acceptable. That answer is totally not acceptable to me. All that time ago was five years ago, this was $81 million of the bond of $800 million bond. Every piece of paper should have been absolutely perfectly maintained. This was a bed. Two of five companies, their only five companies. I mean, how hard is that to see that the stamp is on there? And you proceeded to the board with this? I everything we ever talked about anything. There's a new process in place. But I think there was a process in place because one company was excluded from proceeding based on the fact that they didn't have a time stamp and to that, won the bet moved on. I think that's a pretty major find and actually in this thing and calls into question to me that the process and I do have one other comment, but I'll let everybody else talk about this. All right, Let's just stay on this one. Doctor Wall. Mr. Woods, I'll defer to the committee members. Okay. Dr. Walsh. Okay. Thank you for having read this, because to be honest, I've been so preoccupied with all of the other bids that I hadn't read all of this in detail, but this makes complete sense, given that Dell had already filed a big protest on a prior bid. And what happens in this district is the vendors do figure out when the fix is in. So you wouldn't have had a big protest this time around because they'll probably figured, Why bother? Um, but yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with Mary that this doesn't make any sense. It doesn't matter that they were in the room. If you can discount one of them now, it was late. But if you knew that one was late, why was it so hard to confirm the other ones were on time? Um, yeah, this definitely doesn't. Does not smell. It's simple, because when the they want arrive at the time that it arrived, commit the opening had already begun. No, it's a difference between being in a room by 2 p.m. Sitting down where you're starting a bit opening and then having a vendor lock on the door and come in at 20 and say, Oh, I'm here. So obviously they were late and the other ones weren't because they were sitting in the room by 2 p.m. Okay. Where was this important again? When was this been awarded? I wasn't here. If that's my point, that is my point. Mary, you weren't here, so how would you know? Alright, I'm done with that. What, are you still on this one? Does anybody have a particular page? No. On this on this finding. Is there any more comments on this finding my other comment? Apparently, since Miss Mirror was not here at the time, I'm not even sure that the discussion about whether processes were in place should even be discussed. Because first of all, this is not our first time at the rodeo. We have done buildings for a whole lot more money than this amount. So processes should have already been placed prior to this particular bid. So saying that there were no processes in place is quite unacceptable. As I just said, she wasn't here, so she's only the messenger. So, Mr Woods through the chair and I appreciate the dialogue. What I will say is, you know, we understand, and we recognize that there were some procedural things that didn't take place. Um, what I will say is, this is consistent in the time when there was a transition or we were moving away from the prior director and bringing in Ms Coker. I just want to acknowledge that because what I will say is that since that time, all right, around that time we made some changes at the staffing level because of some of these procedural instances that we saw. And we recognize that we needed to bring in, um, more and better staffing to ensure that they followed processes and procedures. So I just want to bring that up that we were in the midst of some transition and we were moving out some resources, Um, that we're not, um, adhering to some of the district districts policies and procedures. Yeah, Yeah. Talking to your this entire process was questioned extensively at the board meeting before they voted on this. I don't know how you take this to the board, and you know, ultimately they're the ones that get criticized, but they make their decisions based on the information that's presented to them. And if that information is faulty, you know, that is just not right. And I don't think I hear on everybody we had we had transition. Well, apparently there's so much transition that we have this multibillion dollar corporation that can't transact business because there's always transition. And I'm sorry, Maurice, that's just not that's not acceptable. I wish you would stop saying that because that's even more concerning to me that there are no written procedures that somebody can pick up and follow and know that if they didn't date stamp it when all those board members were asking questions, that's one thing that should have been said to them. In my mind, this is not. This is not an item that just went through easily on the board. It didn't. There were board members who voted against it. There were board members who wanted more time to talk about it, and, um, I just don't find out an acceptable response. But if that's your response, then I would suggest this district get some written procedures that go from person to person. So no matter who's sitting in the seat, it can be done correctly. And I kind of find out Fatal flaw with your with your board item. I know you were there that day at the board meeting, so I don't need to tell you what happened. I was watching it on the the television screen, but I don't think that's acceptable. And I thank you for thank you for your audit. Um, there's more in here, but this certainly is one point. That's a real concern to me that the bid process itself this procedural problem care. I would like to just just advice that he did turn in. Um, this is very over again, directly for warehousing services. We did my staff did. Present to the auditors to the internal auditors are standard operating procedures we have both standard operating procedures. Plus, we have work instructions and the process map and workflow of what takes place. Uh, so, uh, there is a change in management that is readily available. In fact, we also have, um, trainings that are done nearly on these processes. So I can assure you that regardless of the management is safe, we now have, um, the procedures to ensure that the policies are followed and were compliant. So, Mr Mr Harvey, I've got a I've got a question. When you did this on it, did you take a look at the big document and on that bid document? Did it have any things regarding procedures? Um, regarding that the bid had to be in a certain time that it had to be time stamped, that it had to be a certain record, that if it wasn't in at that time, the bid would be considered so unacceptable, it wouldn't be moved forward. Was there anything in that document? Yes. We would have looked at the big document, and we documented that it was due on a certain date at a certain time. Um, I'm not sure in the big document. Um it said, You know, they had to be time stamped, But just as a general practice, um, there's a normally time stamped in, uh, bid Opening is documented and those type of things. And so we wrote our finding very narrowly, based on not being able to obtain the big time stamp to show that documents were in on time, right. But in that document, it would require the vendor that they had to be in by two o'clock and there had to be some valid absolutely right. That's I mean, that's my point. So when you say when, when Miss Coker and Mr Woods, when you say policies and procedures, those are the policies and procedures in that big document, the document does not say that it has to be understand. Well, this document clearly states that the baby has to be in by CPM correct. Well, the fact that we stamp them is a great assurance to the fact that they indeed were received by two PM right, And that is the process that we follow today. I can assure you that we have several mechanisms to ensure that their, uh, times adequately and that that we can keep the record of that time stamp. But the big documents clearly state that the big must be received by 2 p.m. So if a vendor would protest and said one of these vendors and said the other to warrant timestamp, what would be the findings of the district? Well, the when and again this is all from what I've been informed that weight. Then let me ask Mr Woods. So if a vendor who wanted to protest this bid as Miss Coker said, Well, nobody protested, which again it's speculative. But let's say a vendor wanted to protest and protested that there is no documentation provided that the two that were awarded, uh turned in their bid on time. How would the district then proceed from there so typical to what we do in normal protests? We would kind of go through and investing like an investigative process, and my assumption would be that we would have provided documentation or we would have tried provided the list of the vendors that were in the room at two o'clock. I mean, we would have provided that information and then the protests would have been resolved based on on the evidence that was provided right, but doesn't mean that just because you're in the room that you turned your bid on all the time. But the big Open presently there at the time that all the vendors were there. Therefore, if we have signatures of the vendors, they weren't just sitting there. They were. They were there to open the bids publicly, and that's what the staff did. The purchasing agent and the other, um, fast. They open the bids. So obviously it's you have a vendor sitting there without a bid. That wouldn't make sense again. I totally respect the fact that you're absolutely right. There should have been a time stamp document that we, you know, we did not follow procedures, and we've rectified to ensure that the processes that we have are now formalized to ensure that those stamps are available. But the fact is that it just it makes sense that the documents were received by two PM because they didn't come barging in like the other vendors. I've seen it at 2, 17 or 20 where everyone saw that they came in late. So we would have expected that then for sure, someone would have protested and said, Wait a minute. Why are you accepting their bid to 20? The business due at 2 p.m. So that's why we did not accept that fit because it came in like Michelle. And then, Doctor, is it possible for us to table this table? This for another meeting? I have a million and one questions. And first of all, there needs to be someone who can answer the question as to whether or not everybody was in the room to open the bed. Number one Number two was the big protest notice put out. So the person who did not make it was aware of it. So that company could fill out and protest the bid. I need to go. And I think if I go then we no longer have coral. Are we able to table this? I'm even open to a special meeting. Is, uh, I'll do you one better? We got April Open, okay? I mean, I'm I'm whatever the will of the group is. Yeah, April. Whatever you want to add more to your table because we're taking away from it really is. I would suggest that we move it. There's no actual time. There's no actual time requirement on getting this done. Um, it really isn't any, um, so it's not like the Kaffir and those type of things. So, um, the only thing is we do have to bring, you know, Mr Roger Harvey back and so forth. But that's there's really no time requiring that's odd. Mhm. We're going to run into that meeting that problem at every meeting. We run over at every meeting, and I think they've been very judicious with our comments today and trying to get through. I have to leave, too. So I have other concerns about this audit. I don't know that this is something that can wait. This is a topic that has been going on since the bid came to the board with concerns about the product that was was being, um, purchased. And so the longer we wait, the more those concerns are out there. If there's a way to reassure the public that we've done the right thing, I think it's incumbent upon us to do that. And when I say we've done the right thing, I don't mean we I mean the district that, uh So I I would like to move to defer and pick a date in April or early May when we can. Well, we're meeting again, my six. But in April, when we can do this and get it transmitted to the board. And in that vein, I have another question that I did not see in here that I would like answered before this Auditors finished being discussed. And that's how many of the you know how many of the, um items purchased from these two companies are still being used by students today. There was a concern at the time about whether these were viable about whether these particular, um devices would stand up to the test of time. I've heard comments made publicly since then that now they're buying the correct thing. I think that we need to also know this one question. And if there's a way that the auditor can find it out, and that's how many of those devices purchase of the $81 million purchased out of this bed orders are still being used by students today that the repair history, but how many of those are still being used? And the other thing was Mr Hunter had committed in that public meeting in May of 2000. Whatever that he was going to do a survey of all teachers to find out how this was actually working in the classroom. There were a number of board members that spoke to the capacity of the device and whether it would meet the needs of the students. And if that if that, um survey was not done, I would like to know that. But if that survey was done, I would like to know what the response from the people actually using these in the schools was. And I think I have a host of other questions and I'll send it. If we're going to have this special meeting, I'll send it to you because I have questions and warranties. I have questions. I have a host of questions on this old document, that kind of okay, and I don't want to. So So it sounds it sounds like to me, Dr Walsh, I know. Let me just write Well, there is a time constraint in terms of having someone being able to answer questions because Mr Woods last day is, I believe, April 2nd. Oh, yeah, Um, and in terms of requesting information I requested because on page nine of 32 there's an interview with former Tack Chair. I sent the chief auditor an email requesting the minutes because I could not find any evidence of tax being involved in this bid. And I don't know if the auditors got confused. I found some evidence that they were aware of the prior bids, but all I was asking was to be able to to verify. And I got back. You know, the usual tone that we don't respond to individual committee members request, even though that's not true. So wait, So So wait. So here's so here's the question, Mr Harvey, did you when you interviewed the A former tax chair, Did you review any of the minutes? Yes, we reviewed the minutes we had to go into a historical archive to review those minutes. We did, uh, and yes, we did interview the former tax committee chair, um, for a good while. I think it's a good 60 million interview, but we were able to find minutes that supported tax being involved, which is also a part of the policy that says that tax would be involved. Can you Can you share that with us or through the chief auditor? We get a copy for And I would I would imagine, through the chief auditor will be able to share that. I will confer with the chief auditor thereafter. Okay? No, just say this will verify. But Dr Walsh, this will verify what Mr Harvey had looked through. And like, back to what? You would have been great if we had it for today. Okay, Um, so we have, I guess a motion to table this item to a time certain. Or at least an approximate time. Certain mhm can. Just for me, the meeting is in April. What? Again? I'm sorry we didn't We haven't made any decision yet. Is there any way to go after April 15th and something called tax season or something? I think a few of you up there may understand. On the second of all, I was thinking March 25th. Uh, Mr Boards, uh, we are sitting here now with 246 Yeah, to full screen. And we need seven for quorum. Right. Correct. Seven. We have a quarter. Okay, What I'm saying is we seem to be having difficulty maintaining our corner through all meetings. And I think if we say we don't have a special meeting in April, how are you going to get the consent of those members who are not here? Since Mr Dearborn has said that, this is important, but it's not. It's time sensitive. And since we are meeting, our next meeting is in May May. But we're going to be meeting at 11. 30. Caught? 11. Well, currently 11 30. But well, why couldn't we meet at 11 o'clock as opposed to having a special meeting? Since it's not time since we need 30 minutes earlier. That gives a 30 minutes. This is first on the agenda. Takes care of the April 15th day. Just just a suggestion. Okay, Mr Bone. And then you just want to let the committee just sort of know that staging these meetings as a challenge getting quorum as Mr Barnes says, there's a challenge. Um, also getting Mr Harvey back and so forth. Uh, I don't know. Room availability or any of those types of things. Um, there is no time sensitivity to these issues on transaction that occurred years ago. The findings that are here are not anything with respect to the three policies that were reviewed. Also coming up is the Auditor general is expected to be here for their audit at the end of March early April. Um, I am not sure if I can physically stage the meeting assuming room availability. So it's It's one of those types of things that, uh, we could I could try, but that would be the circumstances. I'm in agreement with our board members, um, suggestion And we can in the next two weeks because you know, Mr Wilson's leaving, we can send all of our questions to you and hopefully be able to get responses to those questions, you know, for the meeting and for the meeting for May 6. Um, including even meeting a little bit earlier if we need Dr Walton and this verdict. Okay, so my preference would be to meet before Mr Woods leaves, But, um, and I also agree with sending questions and getting responses ASAP. Because the discrepancy between I went and told all of the men before the system went down because I knew that Mr Jones would not respond to me, so I actually pulled the minutes. The problem I'm having this is for me to know that you've got you know, why are we having a discrepancy? So I would like that answer sooner rather than later, sooner than May 6. The grand jury report is coming out. It's anyone's bet what's gonna be in there? So by the time we get to May 6th, it may be a done deal, and we're talking about it after the fact. Um and all of this stuff could be in there as well, so I would have preferred sooner. But if by May 6, Mr Woods will be gone, and I'm not sure who will have because understand that Ms Coker was hired the same day as the award of the $80 million on the ninth of February in 2016. So she wasn't here for any she can't answer to. And I wonder if there was a reporting of the bid opening because it's a procurement and that into your point of understanding who was in the room when the bid was open? There should have been some sort of record or what? And sheet? Yeah, but that doesn't tell us. The stamping Is there a recording? Not all the time. You know, there is a recording. There is a recording. So if we could get that there is no recording. He cannot record. Yeah, here's my concern. Mr. Bronze, every one of these meetings is going like this. So we add this on. I don't think it will be done in half an hour. I mean, we've already gone with just half an hour today. And then whatever that meeting is, were we just keep getting more and more behind. Uh, so I don't know what the answer is. I'm happy to do it that way. And if that's the consensus of the group, But what do you have on that agenda right now? Oh, it's hard. It's always difficult to know what's going to be on the agenda, because I don't know what I can complete between the next meeting. Okay. Are you going to move this? Are you going to take this to the board before? Well, no. I'll keep it on there. It won't go to the board until the committee has gotten all their answers. So questions answered. So here's my Here's my thought process. Um, yeah, the this item itself is not something that if we were to have a virtual meeting and I know the reason why I use virtual. Is it this way? We don't have to worry about somebody coming. It's just a matter of we don't worry about a room. We don't have to worry about a lot of different things and just ask informational questions. And then on our May 8th meeting and I don't like that, I don't know if we can do this, and this may be a legal gratification of it. But then in our May 8th meeting, have this transmitted or or whatever we do, so saving everything, whether we make motions or whatever, maybe but make a team's meeting somewhere at a flexible time might be an alternative that fits and again, depending upon whether we can do that. From a legal standpoint, um, might be an idea. So I don't consider the workshop correct. You know, we just workshop this through teams just because we're asking questions, because that's really what we're doing at this point with this item, Um, and then come May 8th, we either transmitted or don't or so, yeah, I like that and again I just said, I don't know and I go back to whether or not we can. I mean, call it a workshop. There's no reason to not have a like, for example, this meeting would have been an informational meeting without the physical forum so we could explore having an informational meeting on just this topic. Um, but do it via teams and we don't have to worry about getting get a virtual informational meeting. Correct. The only thing we have to do is advertise it. We would have to advertise stages on teams just like we did before the meetings that were moved. Because I go to I that's that's you want. Someone's gonna move this. I'm moving it because I have to leave. So there's a motion by Mr Burdick, the second by Ms Shaw that we have this as a standalone workshop. Items via teams, correct. Virtually Yeah, virtual informational workshop via teams. And we will figure out a date, hopefully sooner than later so we can send out. It's been moved by Ms 42nd by Ms Shaw. Is there any further discussion? All those in favor signify by saying aye. Anybody opposed the store. Okay, so we will get back and figure out a date that works and go from there. Right? We have. We don't have what? We have two more, and we don't have to worry about it. At this point, Somebody has to leave. I mean, there's the chief auditor's report and that any audit committee members comments. Uh, Mr Wood, I go over. Well, are there any Let's put it this way. It is now, obviously to thought because sure, almost two o'clock. Is there any other? Um, I mean, obviously, we have the chief orders report. Everybody has read it. Are there any questions on it? No. The only question that I have is a follow up with speaking their job descriptions just to let us know where they're at. Um, I we'll have to find that out. They were supposed to have it by more, so I'm just wondering. I will try to find it out. All right. Are there any other comments? Yeah, not on the chief auditor. OK, just comments. Yes. Okay. I understand. You only got four of us. Yeah, I'm not voting. Okay. First of all, so Mr Barnes, you mentioned earlier that there was information that you weren't privy to. Has your email address changed because I copied everybody on the Cyprus They thing. Yeah, your email has changed. Okay, so then you have the information. So that's one thing, and then the audit committee in terms of our purview is any financial matters that are of concern to the committee. That's the second thing. And then just because I'm trying to do this quickly, we keep discussing Sack and I understand it's not part of internal funds, but there is no recourse if you have a question about what's happening with the sack budget. I mean, my recourse was to do a public records request, and then they're playing shenanigans by not responding to the public records request. It is absolutely absurd that at school has should know what their school budget is and doesn't send it to the public records office. So this was almost a week ago, was last Friday, and I have been dealing with this district long enough to know games when I see them so unacceptable, and the last time that the chief said she was going to go get with the school, the school lost its youngest SAC member. So did this. There has to be a process by which a SAC member or member of the public that has a question can get answers. And I know and everyone's mentioned having the sack budget online, the school budget. But also, when you ask for something that is a public record, there shouldn't be all of these shenanigans. I was asking to put the matter to rest. I was unable to reconcile to their numbers based on the activity that they had going on there. So all I wanted was the school budget to see if I misunderstood something. I missed a number. They are bad at bookkeeping record keeping. But I can't have that now because they sent an email that was essentially my email without the school budget, which now, if I was not suspicious before, I am convinced that there is something untoward going on over there, because otherwise you would have coughed up the school budget for the past two years as requested. And then, like I said, this other school, Blanche Ely, a community member who is a c p A and forensic accountant, brought to the Apaches attention that there are issues going on over there, but given who's in charge over there, do I think anything will be done about it? No. So without a process by which you can hold staff or the schools accountable for their staff budgets, we're going to keep having this up until we and if the grand jury report, because it's outside their purview, the school, the district is about to go through a re accreditation process that should clean up a lot of things in it, but it doesn't start until the fall. So I just want to bring that up again because there is no recourse. And every time the chief says she's going to look into something the opposite of what should be occurring occurs. She was copied on the email. The sack chair at Cypress Bay never responded to my email, which suggests that they were instructed not to. So it's not like they didn't know what I was asking for. If the school was on the statue or didn't know what a school budget was. Somebody else on that email sure did. So that's all I want to say. Oh, and finally as a teaser for next time. The Lenovo sales rep that would have been at Lenovo at the time of the bid that we're looking at went to Alert Point, which is where Tony Hunter wound up, which I find very intriguing. Anything else, Mr Barnes? Yeah, Just an evidence. Mr. T Bone. Yes. Thank you for the committee. I would like to, though documents were also I mean, I understand. Yeah, some of your questions. But I would like to know, as the chief auditor, you understand you have questions on the facts with Do you have any thoughts of any, uh, misappropriations, or did you have anything incredible that would cause me to look at it from an audit standpoint? That's different. Okay, first of all, are you talking about the fact? Yes, the D A. C passed a motion because they're concerned. So you have district Advisory Council, which is not comprised if you have any incredible that I could have on that. And besides what you copied on the email I sent there's nothing credible in the email. How do you know that? Are you able to reconcile? You're not incredible, But listen to me. What? My question and I'm done thank you. There's an Excel spreadsheet showing that I can't tie back to their numbers. But I think Mr Jim Bowen is asking, Is that if you have a district with what is their budget? $3 billion? It's a lot right? Three billion? I didn't ask for him to audit. I said, We have to. It's all the just like internal funds. But here's but here's here's I understand again this is this is more of to me. A doctor wants operational and Miss Morte operational. This is not necessarily asking Mr Jim Bowen from an audit standpoint, is that this is more operational and financial of the financial auditor it is, he saying, is that if there were, let's say the sack budget is $50,000 and you believe that $50,000 of that was misappropriated because somebody bought a new car. Then there might be a reason to say, Okay, let's do an audit. If there's something where their budget again is $50,000 and well, maybe instead of a teacher buying, you know, a set of books she bought a desk for herself. That's not the issue. The issue is. We can't even tell what they've done with it because they have one from one month to the next. They'll say the balance is this much and then the balances that much. But when you look at what the purported activity was, you can't tie to those numbers. But I don't think Mr Jim Bowen is saying for him to take staff and commingling two thoughts. The A C who you represent passed a motion last year. They would like to see the sack budget incorporated into the internal funds as a line item and have that be looked at. That's a separate issue, and they were given the answer for that. And here's the reality, and you know this as well. Um, there are only so many audits that can get done, so we have a state requirement on the internal funds audits. Otherwise, the auditor general is going to have an issue. If there are some things that are true irregularities, I need to know about them as opposed to you having questions about this, and I can't reconcile their activity. That should be a problem. But that's okay. I don't need you for this because eventually it's a public record they will have to cost us, and I will see if there are shenanigans or not. It would be I don't need you for it. But it would be nice. Yes, it would be nice to be able to translate some of these things to actual audit subjects. If we can get some factual, it shouldn't be. No one's saying they're buying a car, but we don't know what they're doing because they are so bad at record keeping. But Mr Jones Point is that Is this systemic to every sack, or is it just probably not at every second so, but again, I'm on, You know, here's the thing, though, Robert, if it's not included, and it's not looked at in terms of the beginning, balance the activity and the ending balance. Just like with internal funds accounts, you'll never know if there's the scope of the irregularities because no one's looking at you're looking at it on a case by case basis. If you were to look at the audit plan in the area that did not make the plan, that's in the long range plan. There are many things that can be deemed to be higher priority in it for the plan. There are areas that are, uh we're not able to address. And to me, this is just one of them. But there are more challenging issues. I'm not debating any of that because again, we're commingling two thoughts. I am not district advisor. They all sit on sax and have had this concern. So it sounds like what the A C needs to do is get with the state and have the state mandates that this be audited. So that will solve that problem. Then I have the foolishness of the school. When I asked for a school budget not turning it over, that's a separate issue. So if there is no recourse that's coming out of the district, then all of the District Advisory Council, which is comprised of all the staff chairs across the district, will then have to go to the state and ask for help. And that can be done. And again, this is a district that is about to go through a re accreditation process. And this time everybody is aware of it. So that will impact their re accreditation because we already know who we need to talk to how to reach them and alert them as to this issue. And then there's also the State Department that look at Saks. So if it won't come from the ground up, it can come from the state down. But again, the other issue is the public records request. But all of this, it's sort of falling on deaf ears because we still have all of this will know abolitionists that occurred. So it's your you're not fighting me. I don't go to. My kids are not at either Cyprus pay or bland chilly. But, um, the reason I brought this up is to emphasize why d a c passed the motion. The DSC motion is not These motions are not mandatory on district staff. What? The fire is that a response be provided, and one was provided to the D. A. C. Because we know how audits get onto the plan. It's based on conversations between the superintendent and the board. So, um, to me, what would, um, provide a better taste would be if you saw some improprieties along the lines of what Mr Mayerson said things along those lines, I think, and I'm not asking you to create anything, but I need to have some. I mean, I think you provide some very good valid points, but I need to be able to translate those into audit items. I can't reconcile their activity. That's an internal control problem. That is because every account should be reconcilable. It's not that it in this particular case, you have some questions that can't be explained, and that's legitimate. But to me, that's not going to cause an audit. I said you should. I am not saying it if you have another vehicle, which would be to strengthen internal controls for Sac, which I actually suggested in my email that Martin is also copied on, because if she can produce clean financial statements that win awards, I don't understand why the facts can't do the same. So I'm less concerned about an audit. If you clean up the internal control problems, there's more than one way to skin a cat, but you don't want to touch the cat at all. It seems to be the problem around here. We will not hurt any animals. Well, my cat would hurt you more than you is there. Is there anything else? Uh, no, I'm good. Okay. Alright with that. Obviously we don't have a quorum. So the meeting, I guess, will be concluded. We can adjourn. Alright. Thanks