So right here next, the module. I'm going to click the gray plus arrow here. Actually, let me do it on this first module, our substitute module, Great plus arrow. And it brings up this dialog box that looks like this from here. When I click on the drop down, you'll see a whole bunch of options here. Assignment, quiz, file, page discussion. All of that. Um, you have the option to add a variety of different things. And again, you may not have this option depending on how you're added to the course. But we will show it so that you are familiar. Um, enough. So I'm going to go ahead and choose assignment, which is the first option assignment does require student interaction, meaning the students typically have to submit something Assignment, quiz and discussion. Our student interactions where students are actually participating in something. Page file. Um, external, you are or external. You are all just like view on lee situations for content purposes on Lee. Um, so I just wanted to point that out. I'll go ahead and click. Um, discussion. Actually, let's do discussion, which is where students can basically chat back and forth online with each other on, like a, like a virtual board, if you will. I'm gonna click new topic, and I'm gonna put here any topic that I wanted to do. Introduce yourselves upstairs. Oh, after that? Yes, To backtrack a little bit, just in case. Um, when I added, when I chose to add something to the module, I just click the great Plus from the drop down. I'm choosing discussion. You do have a variety of things that you can add, and I mentioned my discussion, assignment and quiz are the things that students are interacting with meaning like they physically have to type something or sub, submit something or answer questions the other ones, like file and page or for information purposes on Lee. I'm gonna click discussion new topic, and I put introductions discussion on item. It's going to pop in at the very bottom. You'll notice there's that icon here, the little bubble speech bubble icons, which indicates it's a discussion. I'm going to click onto it and I see that edit button. If you don't see that edit button like if you click on a discussion, you don't see that edit button. It's because you have not been given access. And so that is not, you know, your fault that you have not been given access. And if your administration is expecting you to edit, you do have to let them know. Hey, I do not have access to edit, so I'm gonna go ahead and click edit just because I can hear edit, you'll notice that the top is the title of the discussion, the title that I gave it. You'll also notice this rich content editor that you saw for the announcement. Any time that you're editing something in canvas, you will see this rich content editor so again in here, I can type in whatever I want my students for the students to respond Thio. So, you know, if you wanted to introduce yourselves 3 to 5, this is tell me what's your favorite subject is abbey and, um okay. Oh, you know, this is just an example, right? Discussions do require a prompt when you're setting them up just because the students will be replying to them. So I do. I do want to point that out. If you did want to upload like a picture for any reason to make it more engaging and again as a daily substitute, you will most likely not have to be doing too much of this building. But you know, the way things are, maybe you'll become an interim. So maybe you're you know, you're looking to become a regular teacher in the classroom. So we want to make sure we just give you all the tools that you may need, um, in the future So you can also add an image if you wanted Thio, this little icon right here. If you click on the drop down, you can upload an image from your computer. If you have one on your computer, I'm gonna click right here. If I click there, it pulls me into my computer. And Aiken, you know, include an image that I currently have on my computer. Um, I'm just using. This is an example. Obviously, your image would be something related, but you'll see the image pop up right there. If you click on the image, you can resize it. It is limited in terms of like how much of the size and you can do, and you'll notice I can only resize from the corners. Not anything else. But you can do this with any image if you want. Yeah, um, a couple other things that you can also add if you wanted to add a link, Um, if you wanted to add an external link meaning you want a link to a different website. But you wanted to link them to this PBS kids website. I had to pull up the website first in a different tab. Click in my browser. I'm going to right click. Just to show you the copy option. You can, of course, use the shortcut on your computer if you know it, which is control C. Otherwise, just make sure it's highlighted and you can right click and copy when I go back into my discussion tab, Um, click on this link to access PV. So if typically, we recommend that instead of just pasting that link in here sometimes links already long and they're not very friendly to the especially for students and anyone really accessing a website no one likes to see. Like a weird link with all the dots on there. We typically suggest that you include the text that you want them to click on, so click on this link to access PBS kids, I'm actually going to highlight this whole thing because I want this whole thing to be my link from the top. This little chain is that insert link. I'm going to click on the arrow right next to the chain. And this is an external link, which means it's not in the course. It's like a outside website. I'm gonna click External link. And here we go. I'm just gonna hit paste right there. Done as you see now, it's that typical Balu link look that we see in canvas throughout. Right now, it just looks like this. I do have the option to remove the link. If I wanted to remove it at this point, and I will see how that link works. Once I save, you can click graded here. Great. It is good. Even just because it shows in the speed greater. Um, which we'll talk about in a little bit and again. You may not have access to that, but we typically just put grated here. You can't get points. And again, you mean not ever really need to do this, But we just want to show it for the purposes of you being familiar. This is for a great book purposes. May be the teacher has given you access so that, you know, you are able to at least get the set up for them. Depending on what kind of relationship you have with the teacher. We always recommend giving due dates and biggest, most important piece. It's to save and publish or save. Save means it just saves. It's not accessible to students yet. Um, save and publish, um, gives you publishes automatically, which means the students can see it. I'm gonna go ahead and click, save and publish. This is what the students would see. Here's the little link they would click reply to reply. So as you notice, right, the rich content editor, As long as you're familiar with that, that's the biggest piece there. When I go back into my modules, I see that the substitute module is publishes green so it looks good and that this introductions discussion is also published,