a presentation of a i T. It's messy. It is freedom and its rules, its rights and responsibilities. It's conflict and resolution. Both empowerment. Compromise. It is justice. It is individual. And it's collects fairness, fairness, respect and values. It is equality. It is truth. It is government and its choices. It's passionate. It's problem solving its action. And it's possible it's me, my family and my community. Democracy. It is democracy. Your first lily. Wait, You can't do that. But you said the night can jump over the other ones. Yeah, but it has to go to forward. And one sideways man chest has a ton of rules. It's not that bad. You'll get it. Let's see. Right. Hello? Hello? Haley, do you know about the field trip next week? Sure. We're going to the capital. It's gonna be great. Well, I just heard about it and wait. I got another call. Hold on. Okay. Hello? Hi, Mom. Yeah, I remember, Right. Listen, I'm trying to do on the other line. I'll sit right back. It's my mom. I'll call you right back. Okay? Hi, Mom. I'm back. We're playing chest right now. And I washed the dishes. Lily helped Thio. Yeah. I'll be ready when you come home. Hey, Mom, is it okay if Lily and I go online? Oh, all right. Okay. Bye. She says we can't go online until she gets home. Yeah, I can't either. If my mom were dead, our home Wait a minute. If these big pieces can't job, then all my ponds air in the way. I better start moving. Some see, Now you're getting it Really? Something you obey to keep you safe or make things fair. Something that you have to follow and you do the right thing. It's like something you need to do or else you may get hurt or something. Life without rules would be a really bad life because everybody would be fighting every single little kid or baby or Mom and Dad would be hurt. No hitting, no punching. No, I like all the rules. I kind of like there's 100 rules in the U. And a first, I think, um, that's about it. Boys and girls. Does anybody else have a rule they'd like to share? Ah, place where you've been? Where there have been rules on the bus where you can't put plenty stuff into the seats. Medal in. Tell me some rules in the car. You have to wear your seatbelt. Do you think there are rules? Other places that you call Don't touch anything in the museum and you should never catch anything else. That's not yours. Avery Navas Romero. Take with socks in it because they might eat you. That is definitely a good safety rule. Okay, Now, when you're working with your partner, what I want you to do is to take turns. Okay? Flip it over and you can start writing rules. My favorite is listen to a gun. No, no smoking. I never did that. Don't go off with any strangers if they have, if they wanna give you candy or money my favorite release warm myself. But you will fly out the window or hurt yourself in the car. E. Feel like you're having a game. You take turns. You have to father worlds. Otherwise, somebody may not want to play with you anymore. And you would be all alone. Don't run off in the street. No running. That's all street. Um, look for cars. You don't look both ways. A car might run you over. If we don't follow that rule, then people would die or get really hurt or their heart could break apart. When I broke the rule, it kind of made me feel bad. And I'm gonna make him for my Children. And they're good bills. Do you think we need rules? Yes. Yeah, yeah. Who needs rules? Harry? Hey, didn't you tell us what you call him back? Oh, yeah, Right. Hello. Hi, Trent. Sorry it took so long. Listen, I've been homesick, and I didn't hear about the trip. Don't you remember? They talked about it last fall? We're going to the capital in the museum and lunch and dinner. Well, do I need Thio sign up or something? Yeah. The bus leaves really early and it comes back late. You need a permission slip are gonna be back in school. Yeah. Tomorrow we'll go to the office. I think you need it. Signed right away. Okay. Okay. See you tomorrow. Alright. Bye bye. Tried by. Yeah. Yeah, this is the Washington Monument. This is the Lincoln Memorial for President Abraham Li. Behind us is the United States Capitol. This is the White House. This is where the President is we read about a group of Children in Florida who had petitioned the government of Florida to make the orange the official fruit official. Fruit of Florida is the official means something is going to stay there. Coming. The official food of organ is repaired. Official Full of New York Is the act on They did some research found out that Washington D. C. Does not having official fruit. This is a nice city. The cherry blossoms. The Cherry Blossom Festival is a good place to live. We want the charge to be the official food of Washington, D. C. Well, the first they had to do was write the letter to the chairperson of the Council of the District of Columbia of DC and ask them if they would be interested in having an official fruit for D. C. And should it be the cherry? They had to get their idea on paper and then come to the council offices and testify we went into these big offices. They have meetings in it. Today is Wednesday, were in the council chamber. Good morning, Mr Parker. Good morning. 20 six states have official foods. We at born elementary believe It is time that D. C. Had an official foot and the cherry is the best choice of our official from Well, thank you. Both Marcus Parker and Eric Seaborne for your testimony. Ego Shamika Ursula Way was having a contest about the Cherries. Saying what we was gonna put on our shirts. I drew a little picture. Cherries, Cherries, Cherries, Cherries, Cherries. They could do anything that they want, long as they just take the necessary steps to do it. The final step, The full bill will be considered by the entire council. They like going up in meeting these people and seeing how the government works and how it could be responsive to them. I am very grateful that you all came forward with such a good suggestion. I would ask for what Mr Bunton and his class of students at Boeing to police stand. Yeah, I want everyone to know that the students really did this project throughout the entire school year. Roll call on the official fruit for the District of Columbia. All of those in favor, Chairman Crop. Yes! Yes, Yes, Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Yes, Madam. Chair, The vote is 13. Yes, zero No. The motion passes. The mayor's outside. Yes, Cherry. Maybe the fruit honey way? Yeah. The invention full of D. C. Is a terrorist. to Terri's. I got the permission slip, but it needs to be son by tomorrow. I can't go. Yeah. So my parents are out of town. They won't be home till tomorrow night. You're home alone? Well, no. My big sisters there. Let me see that. It says parent or guardian here. Can't your sister sign up? I don't know. How old is she? 18. 18. She come vote. It must be okay. Wait a minute. I bet a guardian has to be an adult, like 21. Oh, man. I'll be the only one who misses the strip. Tommy's going. His foster parents signed for him. I guess I'll have to say and my dad's name myself. Yeah, right. Just kidding. But I really wanna go. Maybe you should go into the office and ask. Okay. Good idea. Dean, school is a very nice place to be because you can learn by listening to songs and music. It's one way that's not usually a big part of the regular classroom. Whenever we sing the songs with Ms Simpson. It's it's more fun for the subject. For me it's just really exciting because the students own the music. Music is a natural flow of speech and rhythm. The things you learn early and especially through song always comes back to you. Usually we start with a couple of wraps that we create with our rules Are rules are out E se respect. Okay, Do you respect e Think it's good? I liked learning the song to remember the rules that you need to know. Sometimes in music it comes out in a lot in a way that makes more sense. I would say anyone can write a song. Anybody could do it toe write a song that you created a no one else thought off. You're just like think of words that rhyme ice mice like like our school is cool. This is my right. 54321 Rules can be fun. They can make you run. Rules are good for girls and boys. Rules are fantastic. I think they're plastic. We need rules. Thio cooperate like students. Hi, my name is alien. This is Alexis, the for us and Lexi. And we're going to teach you a song called Listen what I say. Stop Analysts Sad. Listen, die. Hey, listen, listen, listen. No. This class has been very excited about singing, so we have a great time. In fact, they just letting another one. Let's sing another one. Yeah. Me. Yeah. Hi. You got permission? Yeah. The school called my parents, so instead it was okay. Awesome. You know, it's a long ride to the captain, so I brought my brother's many chest sets so willing, I complex. Hey, I play chess. I bet I could take you both on. Oh, yeah. If you're so smart, which peace moves first? Easy upon wrong or a night Now you tell me, what's the most powerful piece? A king? No Queen of books. Oh, yeah. I could still beat you both. Yeah, to learn more about our program, visit our website at democracy. It is dot e c b dot