matter matter. No matter. Matter matter, Mata Matin matter. Nothing. Let little matter matter. Matter. Uh huh. Well, hello, science lovers. I'm molecular Mike, and welcome to soaring into science. Welcome. Also to the lab. Well, by now, you've probably guess that today we're gonna be talking about matter. Matter is simply stuff and everything is made of matter. If there is no matter, there's just empty space. And by now, you've experienced matter here on Earth in its three phases. Solid liquid and gas. Uh, well, you probably also know how matter can be described by its properties like color, shape, size, texture, hardness, and even smell. While density is another property of matter, everything is made of smaller parts and density tells us how close, together or far apart those little parts of matter are. This can cause some pretty funky stuff. Toe happen? Uh, no, not that funky. Well, here's one example of what I mean. Check this out by squeezing extra matter into a smaller space in this bottle. I could force the air in it to become more dense and raise the temperature watch. That means that changing the density of matter by adding pressure can change the temperature. Wow, density conduce a mother Pretty strange things, too. It's one reason that something's sink and some things float. Ah, lot of people think that things sink or float because of how heavy they are. But it's really because of how dense the matter is compared to the water that it's in. I can weigh this rock and this stick on the scale, and the stick is heavier. But when I put the stick in the water, it floats in the rock. Six. You see things that are more dense tend to sink, and things that are less dense tend to float when compared to what's around them. It really has nothing to do with how heavy they are. Matter doesn't just sink or float in water, though water can sink or float in other forms of matter. For example, here's some cooking oil in a tall graduated cylinder. Let's pour some water in and see what happens. Look at how the water sank below the cooking oil. That's because it's more dense than the oil. Scientists have put this knowledge toe work in deep sea exploration. Some extreme deep sea exploring vessels are filled with a kind of oil in the top and iron pellets in the bottom. The iron pellets are very dense, and they help the vessel to sake when it reaches an appropriate depth. When it's done with all of its studies, the vessel releases the iron pellets, and the less dense oil helps the vessel float to the surface. The's, floating and sinking because of density, doesn't just work with liquids and solids. It also works with gases like the helium. In this balloon, the air around it is more dense, and so it gets pushed up out of the way. That's air floating in air. And here's the last word on density, size and shape have very little, if anything to do with it. These two metal cubes over here are both solid. They have exactly the same size and shape or, in other words, the same volume. You might think that since they're the same size and shape that their way, the same wrong you see this one is made of steel and this one is made of copper. Which one do you think we'll wait more well, let's find out. The copper weighs more, even though it has the same volume because it's more dense. The same experiment works with all kinds of solids and liquids and gases. Ah, speaking of those phases of matter I want to see at the temperature of this water actually gets down to zero degrees Celsius when it freezes. I read somewhere that that's what it goes down to, but I want to check it out for myself while I'm putting the till on this beaker. Why don't you check out some professionals that really know how to put the freeze on? I'm Steve Huddleston, the ice technician to the Florida Panthers. The process you see behind us is where we're making ice for Disney on ice. This is the start of the procedure on what we would do for an NHL hockey rink. What we've done is we've stopped right before we would finish on the NHL, and that's all that's required for a figure skating show. The process starts with actually bringing the floor down to a certain temperature with it's in the low teens to keep it cold. We have the refrigerant plant back there, which maintains that the engineers which maintained the plant what one thing engineers are done with their process and cleaning people have actually cleaned the floors spotless. Make sure there's no grease gum. Anything dirt out there that's not supposed to be there is like, I'd like to reiterate, is the fact that the bond to the concrete from where you take the first bit of water and you apply that to the concrete. That is the most important process that is used in the ice making. Once we're done with that, once we're done with sealing the floor and locking in that bond, then what we'll do is we'll go to the white paint after the white pain is mixed in the that it's actually cool, because what it is is the water that comes in from the ***. It is actually warmer than the water we're trying to put down because it'll start to melt just from the city. Water just a couple of degrees. What we do is take take the white, put it in the vat. It's nonhazardous biodegradable. It's more like a powdered milk is what it is, vs anything else, then what we do is once the white is mixed with water, is added to it and cooled off. Then we have a 10 foot spray boom that we use to apply that white and nice even layers. Once we do our white layers, the next most important part of that is actually getting the Clearwater on top of that white paint without letting it warm up and starting to lift. That bond is so important to what we're trying to dio, it's at the bottom. But if you don't do it properly, it'll all float up to the top and make make our day really miserable. So requirements basically to do this are I go to school once a year. Once I go to go to Tampa on my main courses are in Canada. It is a refrigeration course, a nice making course, and the equipment operation scores were actually driving the Zamboni is and maintaining those so you don't have any mishaps during the games. And that's pretty much the summary of the ice making technique to start. Well, it's been a few hours now, and, as you can see, if you look in this beaker, the water is frozen. It's in the solid state. Let's check the temperature on the thermometer. It's gone down to just below zero degrees Celsius. That's where water needs to be frozen solid. Ever wonder what makes the fluid and thermometer like this one go up and down while thermometers filled with some form of matter in the liquid state? As the bulb of the thermometer is heated, the molecules of the liquid gain energy and need more room to move around. When this happens, we say the liquid is expanding or taking up more space. If the liquid is cool because he energy is removed, the molecules moving around take up less room. We say the liquid is contracting or taking up less space. Ever thought of building your own edible molecules? Probably not when you can, in just a few easy steps to build your own edible molecule, you'll need large marshmallows, small marshmallows and pretzel sticks. The first step, it's aside what kind of molecule you'd like to make. We will use for this example a water molecule. Water molecules are made up of one large Adam or, in this case, one large marshmallow of oxygen and two smaller atoms of hydrogen to pretzel sticks will serve as the bonds that hold all the atoms together. Stick the pretzel sticks into the smaller marshmallows first. Next, stick them into the larger marshmallow. Notice that in our water molecule example, the Adams connect at special angle. After your water molecule is complete, it's time to find some friends or make some friends of the case. May be you and your friends can start out as solid water or ice. To do this gathered, close together and move your water molecules. Slowly. Molecules move slowly in solids. Now it's time to melt into liquid water. Begin to move away from each other, but not too far were adding heat energy, so the molecules should be moving more quickly. Also, if we turn up the heat, we can get things boiling. You're molecule will get moving pretty fast and you'll need a lot of room. Water molecule. With enough heat, energy can evaporate from liquid water into water vapor. It will become part of a gas. Of course. Let's not forget about sublimation. If you start out as a solid, you could, under the right circumstances, turned immediately into gas. Be careful not to get too caught up in changing phases, though that's important. But you might just forget the most fun part. What you see, the weight of anything is equal to the sum of its parts. For example, uh, take this tape dispenser. It's equal to the weight of the tape, plus the weight of the plastic holder, plus the sand inside of it that weighs it down. All of those things make up this tape dispenser, so when you weigh it, you're actually weighing the sum of all of those parts. What? People are also the sum of their parts. You see, a person is made up of eyes, ears and nose mouth bones inside your body. Ah, heart, lungs, your stomach. All those parts make up a person, and the some or weight of all of those parts is what equals that person. We'll even those parts inside of your body all over are made of smaller parts here on my computer. I've hooked it up to the microscope, and I've got some cells on here. Seal the small, funny looking pink circles. Those air living cells cheek cells, to be exact. Your body is made up of millions of microscopic living cells. There's many different kinds of cells in your body to there's skin cells there's bone cells, muscle cells, blood cells that run all throughout your bloodstream. There's all different kinds of cells all over your body. Even those cells are made of smaller parts. If you look closely at the little cells around the arrow, you might see dark spots. Those air called the nucleus of the cells, the nucleus help control functions in the cell and all the other little parts that are in the cell that we can't see the different cells in your body all have different functions. But one thing is true. When you put them all together the right way, you get something pretty amazing. In the end, you are the sum of all of your parts. All matter that we see is made up of smaller parts. Here's an ordinary glass bowl of liquid water just looking at it. You'd never guess that the water is made up of millions of tiny little water molecules, and that those water molecules or even made up of more smaller parts called atoms well, right over here are some models of water molecules. Each one is made up of three small parts. The large red square represents an atom of oxygen, and the two smaller white ones are hydrogen atoms, and Adam is the basic building block of all matter. But even those basic building blocks are made of smaller parts, too. Although we've never seen an Adam up close, we do know that it has a nucleus or, in other words, a center where parts called protons and neutrons air found. Other parts, called electrons, are found in the area surrounding the nucleus. Even the protons and neutrons are made of smaller little parts called quarks. You can build a three dimensional model of an Adam yourself. It's really pretty easy. All you need are three different colors of clay, some toothpicks and a periodic table. All the forms of matter we know of from the elements are listed in this table. It gives information about every kind of Adam. I'm sure you've heard of many of them, like oxygen and helium and iron, and maybe chlorine and aluminum and silver, copper and even gold. Well, this table tells us things about each one of them and many others. I'll build an atom of oxygen here on the table. Oxygen is number eight on the chart that's called its atomic number. The atomic number tells us how many protons and how maney electrons make up a balanced Adam and Adam is called balance because sometimes it can lose or gain extra electrons in a balanced Adam. The number of protons and electrons is always exactly the scene. Well, we're going to need eight red protons for the nucleus, and we'll need eight blue electrons, all attached to toothpicks that will go around the nucleus. And now we need to figure out how maney neutrons go in the nucleus, along with the protons to finish up. There's a funny number on the periodic table. There, underneath oxygen, it's 15.99 something something something. It's called the atoms atomic weight. In this case, we can just round it off to 16. If you subtract the atomic number from the atomic weight, you get the number of neutrons, so 16 minus a equals eight, and that means we'll need eight yellow neutrons. Oh, by the way, it doesn't always work out to be the same number for all particles. For example, Ah balanced Adam of Iron has 26 protons and 26 electrons, but it has around 30 neutrons in the nucleus. Now, to finish up our Adam, I will squeeze together the's eight little protons and these eight little neutrons to form our nucleus. Here's our nucleus. Then I'm going to stick in the electrons all around it, which are really floating around the nucleus. But we need to keep them attached to the little sticks. We'll get a couple more in here and our Adam off oxygen is finished. One atom of oxygen to go. Oops. Uh huh. Hello? It is a New Yorker. Are you all ready for a joke? Here it is. You'll really like this one. What did one keyboard said? So the other IHS said, You're not my type. You'll get it like typing on a keyboard. That was a funny joke. You're laughing. Work, job. Maybe on the inside. Did you know that you can show the difference between phases of matter and a computer drying program? It is actually relatively simple. You can do it on a computer like me. We'll begin with up enough, a computer drying program like the one you see here on the street at the top of your document. But your title called it states for fezzes of method. Next drawn three bucks is nickel one box for its state of matter, one for solid one for liquid at the ward Bar gas. Be sure to label each of the boxes you have drawn so you can tell them apart. Pick some kind of graphical used to represent particles of matter in the box for the solid history graphic over and over and over close together. This will represent their way of particles In solids are Lawson for activity, though the same thing in their box for the liquid separate depart because I live, the more that it decided. This will show how the part that goes in their liquid are further at by then, fill the box for the guests by setting breach of the graphics fire part, and you may choose to put other graphics next to which of the boxes showing an example of that started their liquid that I cast to. She is as beautiful and graceful as a bird in flight. Speaking of birth, why did they dock stick his leg into a computer? It wanted to have webbed feet just like the Web boy. My all matter can change and over time. It usually does. There are two kinds of change that matter Congar Oh, through the first kind of change is called a physical change. A physical change occurs whenever something is made to look different, but it still ends up being made of the same stuff. For example, if I color on this piece of paper, it ends up looking different. But it's still made of paper. I can hear it, and Aiken fold it up and Aiken crush it. And no matter what I've done to this piece of paper, it's still made of paper. So that means it's only gone through a physical change. If I were to cut a piece of wood like this one with a saw, well, I've still only made a physical change because it only looks different. A solution is a mixture of two substances where another kind of physical change occurs usually happens when one thing dissolves in another, and the thing being dissolved is called the Salyut, and the liquid, or whatever it's being dissolved in is called the solvent. Here's some sugar, and here's a bowl of water. If I pour some of this sugar into the water, I can mix it up and you can see that the sugar will dissolve inside the water. In this case, the sugar is the Salyut, and the water is the solvent. Together they make a solution. The water molecules in the sugar molecules have only been mixed up together. If we let all the water sit and evaporate, we'd end up with a bunch of sugar crystals left in the bottom of the bowl. Give that a try yourself. It works with salt to, and the salt doesn't attract as many bugs as sugar. That way, while physical changes happen to things we see every day like food, sneakers and even grass, sometimes matter will completely change into a whole new form of matter. When this happens, we say, a chemical change has occurred. For example, whenever something burns, it turns into a completely new substance. Right here are the charred remains of a piece of paper that started out just like this one. It doesn't look much like paper anymore, and well, that's because it's not. It's gone through a chemical change and become a new substance. Carbon well, here's an easy chemical change that you can try at home or at school. This graduated cylinder is filled with some baking soda in the bottom. If I add some of this vinegar to it, Wow, all those bubbles air a new substance that got formed its carbon dioxide gas. When a reaction creates something new, you know a chemical change has taken place well, just like physical changes. Chemical changes, captain. All around you, every day an apple core turns brown because of a chemical change that happens after biting it. Yeast, flour, sugar and water make bread would combine the right way. And heated iron goes through a chemical change when it rusts after being exposed to moisture and sunlight. Well, we've learned a lot about matter. We know that matter here on Earth can be found in three states, a solid, the liquid and the gas. We learned that different kinds of matter can have different densities, and that more dense things sink and less dense things float. We also found out that by forcing something to become more dense by pressurizing it, we could make the temperature rise. We saw how all matter is made up of small parts called atoms and how even those atoms are made up of even smaller parts themselves. And finally we saw how matter can go through physical changes and chemical changes. We learned that everything that is something is made of matter. So the next time someone asks you what's the matter? You tell them everything. This is molecular Mike signing off. Have fun, practice safe science. And I will catch you later, my