three one. Hey, Uncle Norman, Back at any particular reason why you're covered in paper. Mache? A Ah, yes. I am working on a new project. What's the new project? Well, I need a bust of myself. Okay? Like a statue of you, like from the dressed up abs. Chibli came and got it, and I was hoping that, you know, we could make one. So, what do you need a bust for? Will? I can't really tell you very What was that? I never learned howto wink with one eye. Okay? No. Does this have anything to do with your mom? Mysterious work. I told you. Stereo secret. So, um, kids, uh, able to help me out here with this bust? Sure. You have a tape measure rolled up my sleeve? Actually, yeah. Hey, that's okay. Way can use this. I'll need your son. All right. Right on. No way. We're going to go. Are you saying that you could make a bust of me just by measuring the base of my thumb with a piece of string? Yeah, You're sometimes too well. D'oh! This I gotta see. Thank you so much for meeting with us today. We want to make a bust of Uncle Norm, and we figured we should talk to someone who knows a lot about body measurements and especially someone who knows something about the rule of thumb. So do you think you could show us how there's a couple of things you need to know? For example, where is the eye inside the head? Where exactly does it locate? Take a measurement from the norms are his chin and then from a redeye to the top of his head, and you'll see those measurements are almost the same. His eyes are exactly in the middle of it. That's a relief. This'll type of measurement is called a non standard measurement, right? No, I don't always need to use a ruler when your mission. So there's another thing that I learned in school, and it's called the rule of Thumb. Do you think you could show us that Yes. Years ago, people use this measurement around the base of the funds. Go once around once, twice around twice. That measurement is equal to measurement right around the wrist. Wow, You wanted to go once around twice around 20 surround three times three times around and that measurement would give you the measurement around your bandanna door. Did you know that every person, just about every person, is seven feet tall with Wait a minute, don't I? I know. I know. A lot of people I know very few people who are seven feet. Oh, I mean, that's like a basketball, not seven feet tall. Oh, me seven of your own. So, really, those are body rules. You believe this is math twice around your some will definitely do. Causes people to your risk. That's right. For me. A new stretch out your arms with all your mind fingertip to figure chip the same as your height. That's right. The same was your height. Here's a thing that's cool. Talking matter, buddy. Our buddy rules. We don't need a ruler or misery we can use because you are our body rules. Yeah. Hey, their uncle Norm, Let's is use this space for our clubhouse. We do a lot of really cool things here, and when it comes to cool, nothing beats are pulled down screen. Check this out. I discovered that the length of my arm span that's the distance from fingertip fingertip is equal to my height. No kidding. See what happens when I take a little awesome. This works. We pretty much everyone, but not for some people. Like basketball players, for instance. Ah, lot of them have super long arms. And this cool way of measuring height might not work for them. See, the difference when we spend this guy around his are span is actually longer than this high. That's why he's so great a dunking balls into the basket and why he doesn't need to ask anyone to pass him the potatoes at the supper table. But for pretty much everyone else, this cool body rule works. And there are a lot of sayings that include body parts. Like Uncle Norm is a head taller than when I know it's pretty amazing. No one standard measure. You use one thing to measure another, and in this case, a part of your body. Yep. Body rules, Uncle Norm, Are you ready to make your bus? Boy, this is so exciting, but won't use paper which didn't work too well. Well, that's true. What kind of material shall we use for the bust on? We're gonna mold or shaping using your body measurements because, you know, you start off with measuring the base of your thumb again. No, this non standard measurement will give us all the other measurements you need to make the bus. So this is the length of your head, OK? Yes. And if we turn it on its side on double it, we should get the width of your shoulders. And it does look a that it works perfectly. Finishing touches. Great. All right, I think we're done. Guys, this is mag measure. Magnificent. That would be non standard mission. Yeah, right. You try saying Magnin center measurement isn't Whoa, Can you say that again? I don't think so. So are you finally going to tell us why you need this bust? Well, first, I'd like to make a few calls finishing touches here. Help me out, Kevin. Sure. Thanks. Okay, you take that in, I'll take this end. Very careful. He's important while they finish up. I'm gonna show you how you can make something really cool using the rule of thumb body rule. It's nonstandard. Fishermen don't matter where the ruler went because we could do a thing with the simple piece of string to your thing. with a simple business string. Here's a thing that matter, buddy. Our buddy rules we don't deliver or misery because so I mentioned earlier being creative, using our body rules. Now I'm gonna show you exactly how you can do that. Let's say you want to make a present for a friend or family member. I was thinking we could make a wristband for them. All right. So earlier, I measured the base of my thumb two times on. I made a mark right there. So after we do that, you place it on the material you're using. Now I'm using leather, but you can use anything you find around your house. All right, so we put this string down at the edge, and then we make a mark right there. All right, now, once you've made your mark, you're gonna take scissors and cut it. Now, you may want to get a grown up to help you with scissors, because they could be really tricky. Sometimes I'll show you something that I made earlier. I did the exact same thing, except I made it a little smaller. And I punched two holes on either side using this hole punch So what you do first is take the string and folded in two. You take the loops part of this string and feed it through the hole. That and then you take the other two ends of the string and feed it through the big loop on the other side. And then you tighten it, just like let me do the exact same thing on the other side. Okay, Now you've got your bracelet, so I'm gonna use my glue input a line straight across it. But now I'm going to take some of these sparkles and put them right on top of the glue. And you do this all the way down the line. Now you have to wait for this thio set and dry so that the sparkles will be in place when you put it around your wrist. So now that the glue has dried, I'm gonna take off the excess sparkles by shaking it like this. And this is what we get. This is an ankle. It and all I had to dio was measure the base of my thumb two and 1/2 times and I got the distance around my ankle when I made this cute little decoration in this fringe is neat, huh? So all you need is your imagination and non standard measurements. And, of course, the rule. The rule of thumb. Yeah, our body rules. I love it. It's like having two mi's. Isn't that wonderful? But is the world ready for to Uncle Norm's? Oh, boy, this is going to work perfectly. Yeah, great work. Perfectly For what Exactly? Well, for my new security system, of course. Imagine you're outside that window and you look in now what do you think you'd see a bunch of old junk? Wait. See Uncle Norm in the workshop? Abs intensively. Kittery knows. And if people think I'm in here working, then I could be elsewhere doing my really important work. Oh, and what? Is that really important? Well, I have to make sure Nice dry came in. Sorry, buddy. It's a ll. Well, I've got to say that is one cool bust. And you did it all using non standard measurement, using one body part to get the measurements of others. Like I've always said our body rules right on, Uncle Norm. Well, look at the time. I'm sorry. You've got to go Of course, it's time for you to go now. Yes, yes. I'm sure you have homework to do. And of course, you want to read your books and your friends and enjoy some outside time. Yeah, Yeah, but by but by Uh huh, Uh huh. Works perfectly. Oh, boy. You security system? Yes. Now I'm free to do my very, very important secret work, huh? Uh, no. Twice around your some will definitely do. Could the people to your risk. That's right. For me. A new stretch out your arms with all your mind fingertip to fingertip the same as your height. That's right. The famous your height, years of school, everybody Our body rules. We don't need a or misery we can use because our body Yeah, yeah, yeah, Our body, our body rules. It's nonstandard. Fishermen don't matter where the ruler went because we could do a thing with the simple piece of string to your thing with a simple business. String is a thing that our buddy Wait, don't deal or measuring. Use are because of money. Here's a body. Our body rules. We don't need it. We can use our body. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Our body rules. 7531