Hello, everyone. Welcome to putting geometry on the map. My name is Gary Walton, but you can call me Mr G Together will be exploring a branch of mathematics called geometry. We'll have lots of fun learning new terms, new concepts, as well as making a few new discoveries come on. Enjoying me will create different groups of angles, bisect line segments, bisect angles and create various geometric figures. What you'll learn to transform and Tessa Late. Does anyone know what the terms transform and Tessa late mean Anybody? Nobody. Good. Then we'll all learn these and other important terms together. It'll be fun. Have you ever seen someone putting something together and having trouble than you probably already know that it takes the right tools to do a job directly? It's the same with geometry. First we learn some basic terms used in geometry. Then we learned to use the proper tools to get our job done. But right now it's time to go to the IMF Asai TTE and see what we're going to learn about today. Are you ready? Here we go. Ooh, let's see. Point Path 96 line and Ray thes air. All important geometric terms that will be learning today and applying to our work in the weeks to come. You we'll start with point. You've all heard the word point used before on a map, for instance. We often look for points of interest. Sometimes we ask people if they get the point. This is a way of asking them if they understand something. But in mathematics, ah, point is an exact location in space. It has no witness. It has no length. It's just a point when you point with your finger, you are pointing to a specific location like this point on the map. We'll call it point a point. A then names a certain place or location, so a point is an exact location in space. Let's pick a second point on the map, and we'll call it Point B. Now, if we travel between endpoints A and B, we create what is called a path there. Any number of paths between two points. I could go this way or I could go this way. Well, I could go this way. I don't know. I don't have all the past. I could travel just to get from one end point to another. So ah, path is a set of points passed through and going from one end point to another end point. Now let's go back to our end points A and B. If we find the shortest distance between these two points, we create what is called a line segment. A line segment is the shortest path between two end points, or we can define a line segment as a portion of a line that has a defined beginning and ending. You can measure a line segment. It has definite, measurable link. I can measure it in standard units like the inch, or I can use the metric system and measured in millimetres or centimeters. Let's do that all measured in centimeters. This line segment is 8.5 centimeters long. Now let's put our newfound knowledge to work by comparing this line segment with this path noticed that they both have the same end points. But the line segment creates a straight path or segment. While this path creates a wavy line. By measuring this path, we discover that it is longer than the segment with the same end points. If we straight in the path we see how much further it stretches beyond the original endpoints. Even when I'm out rollerblading in the park, I'm using geometry. For instance, when I escaped from one point to another, I create a line segment. In other words, I am skating in a straight path from one point to another, in this case, from en pointe A to end point B, the symbol for line segment A B looks like this. Now if we take line segment A B and extended in both directions indefinitely, we create a line. The symbol for lying maybe looks like this. The arrows mean that it extends in both directions without end because it keeps going in both directions without ending. We cannot measure a line. So now let's go back to the park and take another look at Segment A B. If we extend just one end of it, we create what is called a ray. A ray is a portion of a line that begins at a point and goes on forever in one direction. The symbol for Ray A B looks like this. Okay, now that I've stuffed your brain's full appoints paths, line segments lines and raise its time for first, we discovered that a point is an exact location in space. It has no link and it has no whip. Second, we learned that a path is a set of points passed through and going from one end point toe. Another end point next way learned that a line segment is the shortest distance between two end points. Then we learned that a line is a straight path that is endless in length. And lastly, we learned that a ray is a portion of a line that begins at a point. It goes on forever in one direction. In our next lesson will build on what we learned today by comparing lines and segments. You'll also be introduced to a map of math town U. S. A. Will. I had fun. I hope you had fun too. I look forward to our next lesson when we travel to math town U S. A. And learn even more about the fascinating world of geometry. I'm getting ready to create s'more line segments. This is Mr