Yeah. How tall are you? Three feet tall, four feet 56 And what's meant by feet. Whose feet? Whose foot are we using? Not mine. Nobody asked to use mine. Did they ask to use yours? So most people's feet are different sizes? What about other units of measure? 12 miles. Height of a horse is measured in hands. Rangers 16 hands tall. So if your foot isn't equal to a foot, her hand is an equal to a hand. Even inform isn't really an inch. A pinch isn't really a pen. Maybe a yard is more than a yard on a meter nowhere near the size of the meter. A leader? Well, in short, could all the units of measurement we used to measure things be misunderstood. In the next few weeks, you and I will look at how a foot got to be a foot. How a yard got to be a yard. In other words, how did we all ever come to agree on the standard length of an inch, a foot and a yard and so forth? How did we arrive at the standards for each of these and a lot of other units of measure in the everyday world of work, school and play. Hi, my name is Miles Mick Leader. My life is all about measuring things matter. Effect all of these things. Hoops Phone. I got to get that. I gotta go. I got it. Hey, don't worry, it's for me. Miles. Big Leader. Oh, hi Meter. No, probably, I don't know. Hold on. I'll ask them. It's my brother meter back leader. He's a tailor's apprentice and he is working at a clothing store. It, of course, the major's people all the time. So he wants to know if we could. If he can join us for a measuring Siri's, you don't mind? Do you know? Oh, good meter. They said they'd love to have you. What's that? Meter says we should define What? Measurement? ISS. Good idea. Meter. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Measurement. Let's see, May German is well, measurement is using a standard unit to find such things as the length of something or perhaps a liquid capacity of something. Hello, Miles MK Leader. Guess who I know You want to know what standards are. Oh, just a lucky guess. Well, you know, meter, I think we're going to have to go beyond definition for this one and way back into history, all the way back to the days of the Cave man and the woolly mammoth. There we concert for the first attempts at establishing standards for measuring You see, at some point, even cavemen had to develop a standard for measuring things. It's your open. Once upon a time, a very long ago and very far away. A rope seller and a rope buyer. We're bickering over how the rope seller sold his rope. It's three Bali cons of foot. Take it or leave. It gets a rope. Okay, Okay. But we use my foot to measure. What? Look, I do the selling My foot does the measuring. That's the way it is. Good quality. Roping gets a good we use your foot to measure my rope. It'll cost me a bloody fortune. Hey, read the sign. Would you rope three Bali corns of foot? It's my sign. It's my rope. It's gonna be my foot. Rope here gets a good quality rope rope. Just then, a wise man happened along. Gentlemen, gentlemen, perhaps I can be of assistance. The cellar anxious to get done with this sale and onto other business. Was it first rather surly to the wise man saying, Look what out, buddy? And you? I'm about at the end of my rope with you three barley cords of foot. They couldn't leave Well, since you obviously can't agree on whose foot to use, may I offer mine? Well, both the buyer and the seller had to agree. The foot before them was not very small, but it also was not very large. Say that's a perfect size foot team. It is very nice and it smells good to your allies. This is coming into my profits and you realize how this is giving me less rope for the barley corn. You have perhaps a better idea. Oh, alright. I suppose if I don't agree, you won't buy my room. And if I don't agree, you will sell me your room. And so from then on, everyone in that far off place used the wise man's foot as the standard. Everyone was very, very happy, with the possible exception of the wise man who became worn to a frazzle, lending his foot to everyone, measuring anything. So you see, at some point way back when we all got together and agreed on what the standard units of measure would be and the type of majoring unit we use. Well, that depends on what you're trying to measure. If I wanted to know how much water my water bucket holds, I'd use a standard of measurement having to do with capacity. If I want to know the length of a brick, I use linear measurement. Did you know there isn't a job or a profession that you can think of, which doesn't use measurement? And that includes baby mother, student? What plummet Dr. Boyer, taxi driver and teacher. We all use measurement each day of our lives. Let's work our way back in time once again and see how measurement has evolved over thousands of years. Once upon a time, thousands and thousands of years ago, a man named Noah said about building an art to escape the flood, to threaten to destroy the whole world. Noah wanted to save his family to each of all the animals in the world. He wanted to make room in the ark for all of them. So we're talking about anyway. In those days, the Cuban was used as a unit of measuring link. A Cuban is the length of a man's forearm from here to here, the edge of his elbow to the tip of his middle finger. Noah build is our using these. The ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. Some boat, huh? By today's measurements, it would have been about 450 feet long, or the distance of one and 1/2 football fields. Imagine using nothing but your forearm to measure better Noah than me. How about you? Incidentally, the Cuban is no longer used as a unit of measurement, but some of the customary units we use today originated in the same way by using parts of the body. One sanction people began using arms and feet is measuring units well. It was only natural for them to begin using other parts of the body as well. For instance, the fingers, hands or legs. Did you know that what today we call the inch was considered the width of a man's thumb. An inch was also the distance from the tip of the four finger to the first joint. This is your forefinger the one right next to your thumb. So from here to the first joint was an inch the Babylonian zehr credited with the world's first weight standards. Instead of just comparing the weights of two objects, they compare the weight of each object with a set of stones. The Egyptians and Greeks used a wheat seed as a smallest unit of weight. The Arabs established a small wait standard for gold, silver and other precious stones, which were traded back then. Trading was called Bartering two Major. These small, valuable quantities. The Arabs used a small being called a scarab. This was the origin of the word carrot, which jewelers used today to express the weight of gems and precious metals. In the 13th century, King Edward, the first of England, ordered a permanent majoring stick made of iron, and this was to serve as a master standard of the yard. It was to be used throughout the kingdom. This master yardstick was called the iron Older after the bone of the forearm in the late 17 hundreds. During Napoleon's time, the French government adopted a whole new system of measurement called the metric system. This system was based on what they called the meter. There's a phone again. Don't go away. I'll be right back. I'm coming. I'm coming. Don't pick it up. I'll get it. Hello? Oh, hello, Meter. Who said anything about your knowing Napoleon? Oh, no, no, no. The meters were talking about our part of the metric system of measurement. That's right. And we're not talking. No, that's right. And meter. Did you realize that the metric system is divided into units or multiples of 10? And incidentally, did you know that there's only three countries and the whole world that don't use the metric system? What are they? Oh, okay. The United States, Myanmar, which used to be called Burma and Liberia. Wow, Look at the time. I'm glad you and I found out what measurements standards are where they came from and hopefully gave you some tools to work through some problems you'll face in everyday life until the next time when we again take the measure of who we are. By establishing some important mathematical