It's in rocket fuel, and it's in your drinking water. You'll find it in forests, volcanoes and toothpaste. It's in the sun, the moon and every planet in our solar system way. Call it the Adam. Its name comes from the Greek word Ato, most meaning indivisible Onley. Nowadays we know that's not quite accurate. Does it matter? Well, since it is matter, I guess the answer would be yes. That's because science matters. Welcome to science matters. I'm your host, Mike Moscatiello. For thousands of years, people have wondered just exactly what the world and universe we live in is made of. We've come to call the stuff around us matter and just looking around, it's plain to see that not all matter is the same. Matter is all the stuff in the universe. Here on Earth, we commonly find matter. In four states, we have solids, liquids, gases and plasma. Solid forms of matter tend to keep their shape and relative amount of volume unless acted on by some outside force liquids philip their containers from bottom to top. This is due in large part to the pull of gravity here on Earth, in a weightless environment, liquids act differently. They take on strange shapes, depending on the forces around. Gases are more difficult to detect with the naked eye unless they happen to be moving or way, use them to fill some kind of container under conditions were normally accustomed to. They spread out and fill in empty spaces like solids and liquids. Gases can be manipulated when acted on by outside forces. Then there's plasma. Those solids, liquids and gases are most abundant here on Earth, plasma is believed to be the most common state of matter in the visible universe. Plasmas air kind of like gases that have been electrically charged. You've probably seen the effects of plasma made visible here on earth in the form of lightning. Or perhaps you traveled north and you've seen the aurora borealis, also called the Northern Lights. Plasma can be seen in many places, and you may even be watching plasma. Right now it's the electrified matter you find in neon tubes, fluorescent lighting and, of course, plasma TV's. We don't work much with plasma, since it's hard to get your hands on without getting shocked. One thing is true of all forms of matter. They're all made of tiny particles. The atomic and subatomic stuff that makes up our universe from the largest stars to the tiniest greens of sand matter makes up everything we know of. Hi, my name is Jerry Smith, and I'm general manager of Jackson's Ice Cream Parlor, and I'm here to tell you that ice cream is science. First of all, chemistry is involved in the composition of the ice cream mix itself. We have to make sure that the butterfat is balanced with the other ingredients so that it has a nice, creamy texture. When you eat the ice cream, we also have to make sure that the flavors are in the proper proportion so that it tastes good. Physics are involved in the freezing of the ice cream. We have machinery that is specially designed for the purpose of producing ice cream and nothing else. It then goes into a blast freezer. The blast Fraser is actually a hardening freezer that is designed to bring the temperature of the ice cream down very quickly After the blast freezer, the ice cream has moved into what we call our holding freezer, where it's held at around zero degrees Fahrenheit after the holding freezer. We bring the ice cream right out into the dipping cabinets, which you see when you visit our ice cream parlor. That's where we scooped the ice cream right out of the out of that dipping cabinet and into whatever Sunday you order. And when you come to Jackson's, you can see for yourself. Why science contest So good. My favorite. Most of what we observe happen with matter is based in large part on the properties exhibited by something we can't directly see. That something is called on Adam. And although we don't have any clear photographs of Adam's over time, we don't know what to get a pretty good idea of what they look like. Way back around the fifth century BC a Greek philosopher named Democratise came up with the idea that all matter was made up of tiny, solid individual parts, which he called Adams. But there were still many questions left to be answered. I am asking the questions company and with technology the way it was 2 to 3000 years ago. That was about as Faras democratise could go with the no tidies your fast as the wind enter the 19th century, and John Dalton Dalton was an English chemist and physicist who proposed the idea that Adam's were all tiny, solid spears kind of like marbles. Near the end of the 19th century, Joseph John Thompson gave us a different view of the atom. Old J J still believe the Adam was a solid sphere. But since he discovered Adam's have negatively charged particles, he believed that the atomic spheres proposed by Dalton had a positive charge. With negatively charged parts invented within heading into the 20th century, Ernest Rutherford gave us a model of the atom most people are familiar with. He proposed a solar system type of arrangement with a positively charged center orbited by very tiny, very fast moving negative particles. There were plenty of notable ideas both before and after the Rutherford model, but it finally took the work of Erwin Schrodinger in the 19 twenties to design a model of the Adam called the Electron Cloud Way believe Schrodinger's quantum mechanical model to be the best model of the atom in about the past 100 years or so. Although the solar system model still comes in handy from time to time for analyzing atomic properties, and designing corporate logos. Let's start by meeting a leading authority on the subject, Dr Adam, now observing the professor himself. We can see that his structure resembles, in many ways something almost as fast as the atom is small, the solar system and there are certain similarities. So what do Adam's really look like? We've been able to analyze the surface of substances and get an idea how atoms are arranged. But we still don't have any clear, close up pictures or video of real Adams. So why do we bother learning about something so tiny? We can't even see it? Well, Adams or the basic building blocks of matter, Adams and atomic particles, or what all matter is made up? And when we deal with properties of matters such as temperature poured density for chemical changes, we're dealing with properties of atoms and combinations of atoms. What we learned about Adam's gives us the information we need not only to better understand matter here on Earth, but also throughout the universe. Hello, My name is Diego Castano. I'm a theoretical particle physicist. Our current understanding of the laws of physics and are astronomical observations of the heavens. Lead us to believe that the universe began 13.7 billion years ago in an event called the Big Bang. Although our theories cannot take us back to the very moment of creation, we believe we understand what happened after that. The universe started very small and very hot and has been expanding and cooling ever since. At first, the four fundamental forces we observe in nature today electromagnetism, gravity, weak and strong nuclear manifested themselves as a single super force. Soon, gravity split off from the others. The first form of matter so called grand unified matter, appeared. It is an exotic form of matter, very different from what we see today. The universe is still very hot, and in fact there's very little matter. Most of it is energy. But as the universe expands and cools further, more recognizable forms of matter appear, such as electrons and quarks. The corks combined to produce protons and neutrons, and the protons and neutrons fused yield light nuclei. It's about 20 minutes after the big Bang. At this point, after about 300,000 years, the universe is cool enough so that the nuclei can capture electrons and become neutral atoms mostly hydrogen and helium, fast forward 200 million years, and the first stars have formed and within them, within their nuclear furnaces. The heavy elements are produced carbon oxygen, things like that thes heavy elements air, then scattered all around the universe through supernova explosions. And that brings us to today all of the matter around this, all of the matter that makes us shares this common history. If you look around, you see different things made of different materials. Part of the reason for this is that there's more than one kind of Adam. But different kinds of Adam's have a lot more in common than you might think. All the matter we know of could be broken down into simple substances called elements. Those elements are made of unique kinds of Adams. At the center of every atom is an area called the Nucleus. This is where we find most of the mystery associated with Adam's that we've been able to manipulate it, break it apart and use it to our scientific advantage. We've never actually seen what a nucleus looks like up close. All the models you see of Adam's are simply to help us make some kind of mental picture. With that in mind, this model demonstrates for us how the nucleus of an atom always contains one or more tiny particles called protons. The number of protons tells us what kind of element the animal form. For instance, if the entire Adam has only one proton, we call it hydrogen. If it has eight protons, the atom is oxygen. 29 Protons makes a cop to help us know which Adam is, which elements have been organized into a diagram called the periodic Table. The letter symbols on the table tell us the name of the element we're dealing. Sometimes they seem to make sense. A. L stands for aluminum M E stands for neon C. L stands for chlorine, but sometimes the symbols seem a little odd until you know more about them. Take a you. For example, it stands for gold. It comes from the Latin word or, um, which means, well, gold. Effie comes from the Latin Word pharaoh, which means iron. The base of this ward is still used today for big iron wheels called Ferris wheels. Silver used the symbol, a G for our gentle there are more than 100 known elements listed in the periodic table. Most are naturally occurring, but some, believe it or not, were made by people a sign from letters. There are also numbers listed that tell us about the adams of each element, every element in the table like this one. Carbon has an atomic number. The atomic number tells us how many protons are in every atom of that element. Carbon atoms will always had six protons. Helium will always have two protons. Radan always has 86. Aside from protons, we confined other parts in the nucleus called neutrons. Number of neutrons is sometimes, but not always equal to the number of protons on the periodic table. Each element has a second number listed, called the Atomic Weight. If you round off the atomic weight and subtract the atomic number, it tells you about how many neutrons Aaron, an Adam of that element. So for the element carbon, see if we round off the atomic weight to 12 and subtract the atomic number six. We come up with six as the number of neutrons. If we try it with the element potassium listed with a K for the Latin word Callie, Um, we round the atomic weight off to 39 subtract 19. This gives us 20 neutrons in potassium atoms. And what about hydrogen? One minus one equals zero. That means no neutrons and hydrogen. Now, that doesn't mean hydrogen can never have neutrons, in fact, but in what we consider to be a regular balanced according to the periodic table it doesn't usually have. The number of neutrons in Adam can differ, so you can get different forms of the same element thes Adam's air called isotope. And that's why the atomic weights listed for elements have decimals. Atomic weights are average weights, and when we subtract, we're estimating the number of neutrons. One of the most interesting parts of the atom isn't found in the nucleus. It orbits the nucleus at great speeds. That part is called the electron. Electrons are much, much smaller than protons or neutrons are, in fact, with proton. With the size of a ping pong ball, an electron would be tinier than a grain of sand. By comparison, they're further away from the nucleus than you might think to using our ping pong ball example. You'd have to go about a mile in any direction to come across the first electric. Well, you get the idea. Electrons are relatively far from the nucleus but still part of the atom, so most models you see are adjusted for viewing. A balanced. Adam has the same number of electrons as protons, same as the atomic number. But since electrons aren't bound by the strong force that holds the nucleus together, they tend to come and go more freely, sometimes creating brilliant displays. Electricity is the movement of loose electrons from one place to another, where they going well, electrons are, said heavy property called negative charge. These negative charges push away or repel one another, so they're headed to a place where there's less negative charge, a place where there are fewer electrons. Why, then, do electrons hang around orbiting the nucleus of Adams? Well, that, my friends, is because of the protons. Protons have a property called a positive charge, and that attracts the negative charges and tries to keep them in a sort of orbital dance around the nucleus. Positively charged protons, like negative charges, repel each other, yet the nucleus stays together. This is because of a strong nuclear force that keeps protons and neutrons together in a nucleus. Without this force, the nucleus of atoms would just break apart. And so one week and so with everything else. That's not to say the nucleus of Adam's can't be split apart, but they are split. Breaking. The strong nuclear force releases incredible energy. Hi, I'm Michael Aguinaga from the Museum of Discovery in Science, and this is a Tesla coil. I can use it to make electrons jump through the air. Watch. A spark, you see, is a lot like lightning. A bunch of tiny loose electrons build up a negative charge in one place. Then they jump through the air to a place that's more positive. This is called an electrical discharge. When the electron make the lead, they heat the air and it glowed. Here's another device that makes a spark. It's called the Jacob Bladder. Electrons make the air glow as they discharge from one rod to another. Beer around the discharge gets hot and hot air rises. This makes the FARC move up the rod. Electrons don't always discharge. Sometimes they build up a negative charge in one place by touching the top of this van de Graaff generator on gaining electrons. My hair sticks up because the negative electrons build up in my hair and repel one another. Loose electrons can charge discharge and do amazing things, and as you can see, they can even go to your head. Adams don't always stay all by the loans themselves. Often they link up and bond with other atoms. In fact, most of the stuff around you and even you happen to be made up of combinations of atoms bonded into various substances Ever heard of H 20 No electrons in orbit around a nucleus can be lost by one Adam and grabbed up by another. This creates what we call ions ions air simply Adams, that have more protons than electrons or vice versa. When an adult loses electrons, the whole darn thing then has a more positive charge overall. So we call it a positive ion or cat eye on. When Adam gains electrons and has more negative than positive charges, it's called a negative ion or an IA. Under the right circumstances, positive and negative ions can come together and bond. It's called an ionic bond because the positive and negative Adams excuse me ions are attracted to one another. This makes a substance called sodium chloride, also known as table salt, instead of losing and gaining electrons. There's another way. Adam's Comte bond together to make stuff they can share. Electrons. Some electrons that orbits the nucleus of an atom are further away than others. Electrons that are the farthest out are called valence electrons. When two or more Adams come together and share valence electrons, it's called the co Vaillant Bond H 20 What we commonly call water is a product of availing bonding between two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Without this particular co Vaillant fund, life as we know it wouldn't exist. Yes, it's a good thing for us that different forms of matter act and react the way they do to help keep all of our solids, liquids, gases and plasmas working. Welcome to the Science Matters Home Laboratory. Today we're studying bonding. You might be curious to know why you care about bonding. You care about bonding because bonding predicts properties. If you've ever touched tasted her smelled anything, you've experienced its bonding. Let me show you some examples because bonding is all around us. Paint sticks, too, and protect your house because of bonding. Paint is co violently bonded. Latex and tires hold air because rubber is co violently bonded. Did you ever notice the clothes go in dirty? But they come out clean? This is all Duta bonding, hydrogen bonding, and I've set up in experiment to demonstrate why clothes come out clean from the washing machine. This is water. Water is a co Vaillant compound, but water has another bonding property called hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding is responsible for the surface tension on this water, but it's also responsible for the fact that oil fruits, this is soap soap is also a co Vaillant compound, but so breaks the hydrogen bonds and water to show that I'm going to add a few drops of soap to this test tube, but none to my other. This is the control I shake and presto. You can see that when I added so broke the hydrogen bonds and the oil dissolved in the water in your washing machine, so open water mixed to dissolve away your dirt and your clothes come out clean. But bonding isn't just about clean laundry. It's good eating too in the kitchen, many of the salts that we use our ionic compounds dissolve in our foods to give us such rich, great flavor. Mmm bonding is so good for science matters. I'm J. P. Keener bonding appetite. Once you start making large quantities of matter by putting Adam's together, interesting properties begin to emerge. Understanding what Adam's do helps us to better understand our world matter exhibits certain properties called physical properties. Things we can observe, such as color, shape, size odor soluble ity is a physical property that describes the ability of a substance to dissolve another. Physical property is density. Density tells us how much matter is packed into a given amount of space. Thes two balloons have approximately the same volume of matter filling them. They take up about the same amount of space, but the matter in one has greater density than the other. This balloon is filled with water, this one with their the one with water is taking the same amount of space. But it's much heavier because liquid water has greater density than the combination of gases in the air. Why do drops of water falling on the surface of a penny try to stay together. They have surface tension, a physical property that causes surface of water to behave like a thin, elastic film. Surface tension is caused by cohesion, a sort of sticking together of tiny particles made from the same kind of matter. Cohesion causes surface particles to be attracted to the others below it. This causes tension on the surface, and it's white drops of liquid form spears as they fall. It's also believed to be the reason stars and planets take on a spirit KAL shape on a much larger scale. Physical properties help us describe a substance as it could be observed through the senses. But there are other properties that help us describe matter. Chemical properties tell us about a substance and how it may react with the outside world. Oxidation is a chemical property that could cause some materials to rust. Flammability is a chemical property that tells us how easily something ignites and burns. The potential of hydrogen or pH tells us how strong and acid is like vinegar or how strong an alkali it is like baking soda. Mixing these two substances vinegar and baking soda together causes a reaction due to a chemical property known as reactivity. Another property matter exhibits his radio activity. It sounds like it has something to do with how quickly you changed between radio stations. In reality, radio activity has to do with the way Adam's of a substance. Umit particles, or waves of energy, is the change. Over time, all the properties have mattered. Physical and chemical have to do with Adams the way they act and react with one another. The closer we come to understand Adams and what makes them do what they do better will understand ourselves, world and the entire universe. As much as we know or think we know about matter and Adam's, there's still much, much more that we have left to learn. We've never seen an Adam, and frankly, we're not even sure if there's anything there to see. We know that there are smaller particles that make up the already tiny parts of Adam's. But what makes up the tiny parts that make up the tiny parts and where does it end that we have yet to find out all in good time, all in the science of things and